
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Whole30 - Day 3

18 Jan 2012

A solid 8 hours of sleep. Felt good heading to CFC for the morning training. Made a great breakfast that lasted me from 10:30 until 6:30p. Feeling well and my energy level is consistent. Onwards!

Breakfast: 3 eggs, 3 oz pan pudding (like scrapple without the corn meal), 1/2 apple, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 pepper, 1 cup cooked kale/turnip greens, 5 brussel sprouts
Lunch: 1/2 pepper w/ 1/2 tomato, 1/2 cup cauliflower, 3 oz Pot Roast
Dinner: Big Ass Salad - 4 oz pork tenderloin and a whole hell of a lot of every veggie I could find. No measuring here. It's all raw - almost impossible to eat too much. 2 servings olive oil. 1/2 can of olives
Snacks: 4 tbsp Almond Butter, 4 celery sticks, 10 dates, 1 apple

WOD - 75 situps, 6 rounds of tabata push jerks @ 25% bodyweight (45 lbs), 75 situps = 7:55.  Not bad, but my sit-ups suck. Time to get to work.
Hang Squat Clean, 3 progressive, 2 drop = 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85kg / 80, 80
Front Squat 115 x 3 x 2 = 115kg Fail, 115kg, Fail - Took the weight into a quarter squat and called it. Was going to be a struggle after 2 big days and a couple good WOD's. Decided to tackle it another day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Whole30 Day 2

17 January 2012

Breakfast: 3 eggs, 3 oz meatloaf, 1 serving Olive oil, 1 cup mixed greens, 1/8 onion, 1 Roma, 4 mushrooms
Snack: 10 almonds, 8 oz coconut milk
Dinner: 5 oz flank steak, 1 cup cauliflower, 1/2 roasted pepper w/1/2 tomato
Snack: 3 figs, 5 dates, 10 almonds, 1/2 avocado
Supper: 1 cup roasted cauliflower, 1/2 roasted pepper w/1/2 tomato, 3 oz pot roast, 1 oz steak, apple

* ME Front Squat - 130kg x 1 - PR
* 4 RFT: 3 pt shuttle, 12 squat thrust KB swing (28kg), 15 hollow rock to stand = 15:32

Taking on the Whole30!

Today is my first day of taking on the Whole30 Challenge. This is a eating program designed to clean out the system and resetting hormones by eliminating common allergens like grains, beans, diary, and added sugars. There is, of course, more to it but that's the basics. Since I already eat a Primal/Paleo diet as my base only the removal of dairy is the major change for me. That and I won't be enjoying any of Miss Stacey's delicious gluten-free baked goods for 30 days. I'll post my measurements as soon as I get them taken. In the meantime, I'll try to log my food intake and training over the course and compare them all at the end.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Breakfast: 3 eggs, golf ball sized sweet potato, 5 brussel sprouts, 1 1/2 cup kale cooked, 2 servings olive oil, 1 serving lard
Lunch: 1/2 pear, 4 oz meatloaf, 2 figs, 1/2 avocado
Dinner: 4 oz pot roast, 1 cup roasted eggplant/broccoli, 1 cup baked sweet potato fries

Training: Collective Power
  • Ground-Knees-Ground Clean, 3 Progressive: 50K, +10#, +20#, +30#, 70K, +10#, +20# Failed
  • High Power Snatch, 3 Progressive: 40K, +10#, +20#, +30#
  • Front Squat, 3 Progressive: 60K, 80K, 100K, 120K, 130K Failed x2 attempts