
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.29.2010

Name: Final Quest

Description: 5 Pull-ups/5 Box jumps; 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls/10 Thrusters; 15 Wall-balls/15 Burpees
AMRAP 7 Min each couplet, 1 min rest between rounds

Result: 12, 3+10, 3+5

Note: 24/20" Box, 95/65# SDHP/THRUSTER, 20/15# Wallball

MK - sent from Droid

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.28.2010

Name: Nancy
Description: 400 meter Run, Overhead Squat 95 lbs x 15 reps
5 rounds for time
Result: 14:32
Note: As rx'd.

MK - sent from Droid

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.26.2010

Name: Row & Complex
Description: 2k row; AMRAP complex x 3; 1k row
For time

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.25.2010

Name: Main Site 10-24

Description: 225 pound Deadlift
95 pound Overhead squat - MOD
21-15-9 reps, for time

Result: 12:59

MK - sent from Droid

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.23.2010

Name: Eva

Description: Run 800 meters, 2 pood Kettlebell Swing x 30 reps, 30 Pull-ups
5 rounds for time

Result: 53:23


MK - sent from Droid

Friday, October 22, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.22.2010

Name: Crossfit Total

Description: Squat x 1 rep, Shoulder Press x 1 rep, Deadlift x 1 rep
Total 1 rep max for all lifts

Result: 840 pounds

Note: BS 310; DL 375; SP 155

MK - sent from Droid

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.21.2010

Name: Airforce WOD @ CF Brio

Description: Thruster, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Push Jerk, Overhead Squat, Front Squat
20 reps each @ 95 #, Four burpees at the top of each minute

Result: 14:58

Note: As rx'd, at affiliate in Saskatoon SK Canada

MK - sent from Droid

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.20.2010

Name: Prince Albert Hotel WOD 2
Description: 100 push-ups, 50 V-ups
Not for time. Full ROMResult: Completed

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.19.2010

Name: Prince Albert Hotel WOD
Description: Squat, Handstand Push-ups, Sit-up
21-15-9 repsResult: Completed

MK - sent from Droid

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.17.2010

Name: B-day Treat
Description: Double-unders; Burpees; Run
AMRAP 10:20 each movement = 31 minutesResult: 31:15 mins
Note: 200 DU's; 123 Burpees; 1.56 miles

MK - sent from Droid

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.13.2010

Name: Sask Hotel WOD 2
Description: Farmer's carry 4 flights of stairs - 25# dumbbell, Man-maker w/press x 10
5 rounds for timeResult: 19:15
Note: Lap 1: 02:56
Lap 2: 03:52
Lap 3: 04:22
Lap 4: 04:23
Lap 5: 03:41

MK - sent from Droid

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.12.2010

Name: Saskatoon Hotel WOD
Description: Chair Dip x 20, Squat x 20, Push-up x 15, 4-ct Flutter Kick x 15
As many rounds as possible in 12 minResult: 5 rnds
Note: 5 rounds plus dips and 5 push-ups; finish with 50 Hollow Rocks

MK - sent from Droid

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.7.2010

Name: Seven @ Ten
Description: Pistol R Leg x 10, Pistol L Leg x 10, Chin-up Underhand Grip x 10, Side Jumps over pail 2 for 1 x 10, Push-up x 10, 5m Bear Crawl x 10, Knees-to-Elbows x 10
5 rounds for timeResult: 23:43
Note: Lap 1: 03:42
Lap 2: 04:53
Lap 3: 05:22
Lap 4: 05:10
Lap 5: 04:38

MK - sent from Droid

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.5.2010

Name: Seven's at Seven
Description: Sit-ups x 7, Pull-ups x 7, Jump Lunge x 7 (each leg), Handstand Push-ups x 7, Squat x 7, Ring Push-up x 7, Burpees x 7
As many rounds as possible in 7 minResult: 3 rnds

MK - sent from Droid

Monday, October 4, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.4.2010

Name: Severin
Description: 50 Strict Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups release hands from the floor, Run 5k
For time. If you have a 20lb vest or body armor, wear it.Result: 36:42
Note: Lap 1: 04:57; 50 strict pull-ups
Lap 2: 06:55; 100 push-ups
Lap 3: 24:49; 3.12 miles
Yuck. This did not go so well. Took a week off to heal my knee and ankle. They're still in bad shape. No more runs over 800m for October... The pull-ups were done on a 2 inch diameter bar that made up the swing-set here in Rochester Indiana city park.

MK - sent from Droid

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.3.2010

Name: Walkabout
Description: Walk briskly!
For DistanceResult: 4.15 miles
Note: Rec bike path outside Rochester Indiana

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