
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-Seven

Good Morning, Athletes!

Hope you had a solid weekend. With perfect weather, amazing company (thanks, SP!), and a stellar WOD this last weekend was one for the books. Memories abound and new ones beckon.

Let's get started...

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up: 3 x 10
- 3 Rounds for time
> Hang Power Clean, 12 Reps, 25/15# DB
> 12 Burpees
* Cool-down, Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter water

Remember: A Hang Power Clean starts with the bar/dumbbell at the knees. You will thrust hard pushing the hips through drawing the weight up. The "power" means that you will receive the weight as high as possible - meaning that you will catch it in any position other than a full squat or full stand. Then finish the movement by standing tall. Re-watch the videos a few times, and practice the movement slowly before attacking the WOD. Your partner is responsible for ensuring you are doing the movement consistently.

Post time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Saturday, May 15, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-six

Good Morning, Athletes!

This week, these posts will be short and sweet. Not too much additional information to take away from your work.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 3 x 10

- 4 Rounds for Load and Time
> Back Squat, 3 Reps
> Bench Dips, 10 Reps
To do the back squat, use dumbbells or plates and put them in a bag that you can hold across your shoulders or strap on your back. If you have access to a bar and plates, obviously use that instead.

* Cool-down, Roller/Yoga/Stretch + 1 Liter Water

Post Time and Loads to Comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-Five

Good Morning, Athletes!

This week, these posts will be short and sweet. Not too much additional information to take away from your work.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 3 x 10

- With a continuously running clock:
> Clean One Rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes
These are dumbbell cleans. You did the DB split clean last week. This is the same movement without the split. Use the same weight that you did for last week's workout.

* Cool-down, Roller/Yoga/Stretch + 1 Liter Water

Post thoughts and loads to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-four

Good Morning, Athletes!

This week, these posts will be short and sweet. Not too much additional information to take away from your work.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 3 x 10

- 3 Rounds for Time
> Walking Lunge, 50 feet
> Squats, 20 reps
> Back Extension, 10 reps (sub: Superman +3 seconds)

* Cool-down, Roller/Yoga/Stretch + 1 Liter Water

Post Time to Comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Level One - WOD Thirty-three

Good Morning, Athletes!

This week, these posts will be short and sweet. Not too much additional information to take away from your work.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 3 x 10

- AMRAP, 10 minutes
> Pull-ups, 3 reps (sub - 1/2 BW pull-down, 6 reps)
> Sprint, 50 meters
> Dumbbell Shoulder Presses, 3 Reps, 20/15#
> Handstand Hold, 20 seconds

* Cool-down, Roller/Yoga/Stretch + 1 Liter Water

Post Rounds, Subs, and Loads to Comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Saturday, May 8, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-two

Good Morning, Athletes!

Have you been working any of your skills lately? Remember that taking time to practice your skills after a WOD will make it easier to perform the WOD’s later. It also reinforces good habits, gives you a chance to break bad habits, and practice time skills (like handstand holds, walks, levers, et cetra) outside of a WOD.

Furthermore, you absolutely need to practice for technique and consistency – that way when you hit the intensity button your form does not break down immediately negating all the positive results you could have achieved from the work performed.

At CFC we use the model of Warm-up, Strength or Skill, WOD, Durability (longer skill set), Cool-down. If you get right to work and don’t take long breaks, most of the time, this takes our athletes approximately one-hour to complete. Next week, I will start implementing a similar method that you are absolutely expected to follow. You can cheat and quit early or not complete your workout as assigned and nobody will care – but you will always know. Remember that you are doing this for yourself and your family – why would you cheat them?

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o AMRAP – 20 Minutes
> Deadlift: 60/45#, 5 Reps
> 13 Push-ups
> 9 Box Jump, 14 – 20” box
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Thursday, May 6, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-one

Good Morning, Athletes!

Have you assessed your nutrition lately? Sit down with your journal and take a hard look at it. Are there placed you can improve? May I suggest ensuring that you are extremely light on the tubers and starches? This includes cutting out most of the potatoes and carrots as well as the breads and pastas. I know, I know. Those are the best tasting, easiest to make, and cheapest. They just don’t do you any favors nutritionally and will thwart your best efforts in the long run. Pick one cheat meal for the week and have them at that meal only (for me that is Friday dinner), but be mindful of how much you are eating. An entire plate of chicken alfredo over linguine basically trashes your nutrition journal and clean-eating for that week.

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD: “Filthy Fifty” Scaled.
o Perform all exercises in order. Complete the prescribed movement and reps before moving on. THIS IS FOR TIME SO KEEP PUSHING!
> 20 Box Jumps : 14 – 20 inches
> 20 Jumping Pull-up, or 20 one-third Bodyweight Pull-downs
> 20 Dumbbell Swings: 25#
> 20 Walking Lunges
> 20 Sit-ups
> 20 Push Pres: 25 or 30# dumbbells
> 20 Back Extensions or Super-mans
> 20 Wall Ball: 10# Med Ball
> 20 Burpees
> 20 Single Under Jump Rope
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty

Good Morning, Athletes!

Start working on adjusting your schedules so that you can increase the number of times that you will be able to perform your WOD. The CF community is well known for finding success in a 3 on, 1 off schedule. You may not be able to flex for that rotating off day. Instead, good success has also been found in 5 on, 2 off. It becomes extremely difficult to push through that fifth straight WOD which is why I don’t recommend it (perhaps a 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off is possible?). If you are up for the mental challenge then get at it. Let me know so that the programming can be done and ready for you. Currently, I have your programming prepared approximately 2 weeks in advance.

Today you get the chance to meet one of our “girls.” She is a benchmark workout that will come to the party every so often so that you can retest yourself and see how you are progressing. The girls were designed by CrossFit Founders Coach and Lauren Glassman as a way to assess the functional power and progress of the athletes they were training.

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD: “Erin”
o 5 Rounds for Time
> 25 – 30 # Dumbbell Split Clean, 15 reps
> 21 Pull-ups – if you don’t have the ability to do assisted pull-ups then do 30 ½ bodyweight pull-downs
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Monday, May 3, 2010

Level One - WOD Twenty-Nine

Good Morning, Athletes!

By the end of this week you will have completed your CrossFit training four times a week for eight weeks. That is a solid effort! In this time you will have seen in yourself an increase in energy, an increase in general well-being, and the start of a physical transformation that signals to everyone else that YOU have been doing something extra-ordinary. It is my hope, as your coach, that you are pleased with your progress and will continue on this path to happiness, fitness, and pulchritude (Hi, Erika!).

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o 5 Rounds for Time
> 50 # Back Squat, 15 reps – Put the weight in a backpack or hold DB’s in a hammer-curl position at your shoulders.
> Handstand walk, 15 yards – If you don’t have a handstand walk you can sub in the following: Handstand walk down the wall (side-shuttle style) or with a partner supporting; Wheelbarrow carries (person doing the WOD is down); or Bear Crawl.
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Take a look at the following video. This movement is in tomorrow's WOD. Take some light dumbbells and work on learning the skill today in a slow and controlled manner. Remember, when working skills we are looking for perfect form. It is about technique first. When you get that do a few in a row for consistency. You'll get to boost the intensity tomorrow. Dumbbell Split-Clean

Have fun. DO WORK!

