
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty

Good Morning, Athletes!

Start working on adjusting your schedules so that you can increase the number of times that you will be able to perform your WOD. The CF community is well known for finding success in a 3 on, 1 off schedule. You may not be able to flex for that rotating off day. Instead, good success has also been found in 5 on, 2 off. It becomes extremely difficult to push through that fifth straight WOD which is why I don’t recommend it (perhaps a 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off is possible?). If you are up for the mental challenge then get at it. Let me know so that the programming can be done and ready for you. Currently, I have your programming prepared approximately 2 weeks in advance.

Today you get the chance to meet one of our “girls.” She is a benchmark workout that will come to the party every so often so that you can retest yourself and see how you are progressing. The girls were designed by CrossFit Founders Coach and Lauren Glassman as a way to assess the functional power and progress of the athletes they were training.

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD: “Erin”
o 5 Rounds for Time
> 25 – 30 # Dumbbell Split Clean, 15 reps
> 21 Pull-ups – if you don’t have the ability to do assisted pull-ups then do 30 ½ bodyweight pull-downs
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



1 comment:

  1. Erin is hateful!! But my hope is 6 months from now we will meet her again and turn the tables...

    Shawna: 15:58 min
    I started with 15lb dumbbells and 90lbs for pulldowns. I got 15 reps in and had to drop it to 70lbs. After round two, I dropped to 10lb dumbells and 50lbs for pulldowns. I definitely hit muscule failure this time around...

    Norm: approx 17 min
    (the timer battery died at the end)
    I did the first three rounds with 15lb dumbbells and 90lbs for pull downs. The last two rounds I did with 10lbs and 60lbs. I also hit muscle failure first, which is the goal. Frustrating to get so tired so fast, but a good work out.
