
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Crossfit WOD: 1.31.2011

Name: Forrest

Description: L-Pullups x 20, Toes to bar x 30, Burpees x 40, Run 800 meters

3 rounds for time.

Result: 34:44

Note: No warm-up.

MK - sent from Droid

Friday, January 28, 2011

Crossfit WOD: 1.28.2011

Name: BS, T2B, KBS

Description: 20 Back Squat (75%), 40 Toes-to-Bar, 60 Kettlebell Swings (2 pood)

For time

Result: 10:01

Note: 250 lbs BS

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.27.2011

Name: Griff

Description: Run 800 meters, Run 400 meters Backward, Run 800 meters, Run 400 meters Backward

For time

Result: 12:28

MK - sent from Droid

Thursday, January 27, 2011

One year later...

Here I stand. In front of you. One year after my very first CrossFit WOD. It's been a tremendous journey - physical, mental, and social. I could not ask for more. My humblest regards and gracious thanks to everyone who has been involved.

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.25.2011

Name: Barbara

Description: 20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups, 50 Squats

5 rounds for time

Result: 30:43

Note: 2:59, 3:17, 4:09, 3:45, 4:33

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.24.2011

Name: Climb, Jump, Jack

Description: 5 Wall Climbs, 10 Box Jump 24", 15 V-ups

4 rounds for time

Result: 9:55

MK - sent from Droid

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Crossfit WOD: 1.22.2011

Name: Erin - mod

Description: 35 lbs Kettlebell Split Clean x 15 reps, 21 Pull-ups

5 rounds for time

Result: 16:31

Note: Subbed 1 pood KB for 40 pound dumbell

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.21.2011

Name: Crossfit Total

Description: Squat x 1 rep, Shoulder Press x 1 rep, Deadlift x 1 rep

Total 1 rep max for all lifts

Result: 895 pounds

Note: 155 SP, 335 BS (pr), 405 DL (pr)

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.20.2011

Name: Sprints

Description: 100 meter sprints

Ten rounds

Result: Completed

Note: Rest as needed.

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Crossfit WOD: 1.18.2011

Name: Bear Complex

Description: Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press

5 rounds of 7 reps

Result: 95, 115, 115 (4), 95, 95

Note: With the same bar perform each movement once for one rep, change weight as needed to keep up technique and power.

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Crossfit WOD: 1.17.2011

Name: Tab PU, Amrap DL SLS DU, Tab SU

Description: Tabata Push-ups, Rest 1 Min
AMRAP 15 - 7 Deadlift @ 275, 15 Pistol, 21 Double-under; Rest 1 min
Tabata Sit-ups

For reps and rounds

Result: 7, 6 rounds + 5 reps, 12

MK - sent from Droid

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Crossfit WOD: 1.15.2011

Name: Skill - Clean

Description: Practice the clean for 45 minutes

Result: 70 reps

Note: Found that 105 to 135 is a good weight for form practice.

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.14.2011

Name: 16 min AMRAP Interval Circuit

Description: AMRAP 7 MIN of:
10 half-moons @ 1 pood
20 mountain climbers
20 single arm push press @ 1 pood

Rest 3 Min

15 single arm kettlebell swing @ 1 pood
10 pushups

Rest 2 Min

10 hollow rocks
10 supermans

Rest 1 Min

Burpee high jumps (6 in above reach)

For total reps

Result: 480 reps

Note: Fun! And challenging. 3 rounds + 35 reps, 5 rounds + 10 reps, 7 rounds, 20 reps.

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.13.2011

Name: Front Squat 3x3

Description: Front Squat 3-3-3
For max weight

Result: 255 lbs 3RM

Note: Got the 3 rep and had nothing left for even one more in the next set.

MK - sent from Droid

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crossfit WOD: 1.11.2011

Name: Deadlift 3x3

Description: Deadlift 3-3-3

For 3 rep max

Result: 375 lbs

Note: Felt much stronger than last week. Ten pound PR.

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.10.2011

Name: Push Jerk 5x5

Description: Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

5 rep max

Result: 155 lbs

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Crossfit WOD: 1.10.2011

Name: Push Press 3x5

Description: Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

3 rep max

Result: 175 lbs

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.10.2011

Name: Press 1x5

Description: Shoulder Press


One rep max

Result: 145 lbs

MK - sent from Droid

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Crossfit WOD: 1.8.2011

Name: CFC 1-8

Description: 21 Deadlift (95), 42 Push-ups, 15 Half-moons, 30 Pull-ups, 9 Ground-to-Overhead (95), 18 Box Jump (24")

For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next

Result: 7:33

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.7.2011

Name: CFC  1-7

Description: 15 Pull-ups, 20 Double Unders, 30 Squats

As many rounds as possible in 20 min

Result: 9 rounds + 11 pull-ups

Note: Pushed hard by EE shooting for 10 rounds. :-)

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.6.2011

Name: CFC 1-6
Description: Box Squat
5 - 5 - 5 repsResult: 245
Note: Difficult due to soreness from Tuesday. Kept form throughout.

MK - sent from Droid

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Crossfit WOD: 1.4.2011

Name: Deadlift 5 by 3

Description: Deadlift


Result: 365 3rm

Note: 345, 365 (pr), 375 (2,1f), 375 (1, 2f), 315

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.4.2011

Name: CFC 1-4

Description: 8 Deadlifts, 30 Situps

5 rounds for time

Result: 7:38

Note: 60% of 1rm for DL (235)

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 1.3.2011

Name: CFC 1-3

Description: Clean and Jerk 95 lbs

Each min on the min, add one rep per round until failure to complete

Result: 10 rounds

MK - sent from Droid

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Crossfit WOD: 1.1.2011

Name: New Year Run Challenge

Description: Run ten minutes for maximum distance

Every hour on the hour for 12 hours

Result: 16.22 miles

Note: Done in Ithaca at Melissa's house. I was inspired to do this because Erika gave me this super shirt I wanted to wear and she always loves to just go on a run. Here was a cool way to do that - twelve times in a day.
In the end, I am proud to have completed it. I am also stupid for the same. Long stories made short - the same aches from the last 12 hour race I ran came up this time and I should have called it after 8. But pride won out again and I slowed down and struggled through to the finish. Thankfully, Erika's support from afar and Bonnie running alongside me made it possible.
It was a cool experience. I look forward to watching others do it in the near future.

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