Name: Forrest
Description: L-Pullups x 20, Toes to bar x 30, Burpees x 40, Run 800 meters
3 rounds for time.
Result: 34:44
Note: No warm-up.
MK - sent from Droid
My daily activity log dedicated to the pursuit of
life-long sustainable health and fitness
through the principles of
Zone/Paleo/Primal and CrossFit.
Name: Forrest
Description: L-Pullups x 20, Toes to bar x 30, Burpees x 40, Run 800 meters
3 rounds for time.
Result: 34:44
Note: No warm-up.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: BS, T2B, KBS
Description: 20 Back Squat (75%), 40 Toes-to-Bar, 60 Kettlebell Swings (2 pood)
For time
Result: 10:01
Note: 250 lbs BS
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Griff
Description: Run 800 meters, Run 400 meters Backward, Run 800 meters, Run 400 meters Backward
For time
Result: 12:28
MK - sent from Droid
Here I stand. In front of you. One year after my very first CrossFit WOD. It's been a tremendous journey - physical, mental, and social. I could not ask for more. My humblest regards and gracious thanks to everyone who has been involved.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Barbara
Description: 20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups, 50 Squats
5 rounds for time
Result: 30:43
Note: 2:59, 3:17, 4:09, 3:45, 4:33
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Climb, Jump, Jack
Description: 5 Wall Climbs, 10 Box Jump 24", 15 V-ups
4 rounds for time
Result: 9:55
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Erin - mod
Description: 35 lbs Kettlebell Split Clean x 15 reps, 21 Pull-ups
5 rounds for time
Result: 16:31
Note: Subbed 1 pood KB for 40 pound dumbell
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Crossfit Total
Description: Squat x 1 rep, Shoulder Press x 1 rep, Deadlift x 1 rep
Total 1 rep max for all lifts
Result: 895 pounds
Note: 155 SP, 335 BS (pr), 405 DL (pr)
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Sprints
Description: 100 meter sprints
Ten rounds
Result: Completed
Note: Rest as needed.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Bear Complex
Description: Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press
5 rounds of 7 reps
Result: 95, 115, 115 (4), 95, 95
Note: With the same bar perform each movement once for one rep, change weight as needed to keep up technique and power.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Tab PU, Amrap DL SLS DU, Tab SU
Description: Tabata Push-ups, Rest 1 Min
AMRAP 15 - 7 Deadlift @ 275, 15 Pistol, 21 Double-under; Rest 1 min
Tabata Sit-ups
For reps and rounds
Result: 7, 6 rounds + 5 reps, 12
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Skill - Clean
Description: Practice the clean for 45 minutes
Result: 70 reps
Note: Found that 105 to 135 is a good weight for form practice.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: 16 min AMRAP Interval Circuit
Description: AMRAP 7 MIN of:
10 half-moons @ 1 pood
20 mountain climbers
20 single arm push press @ 1 pood
Rest 3 Min
15 single arm kettlebell swing @ 1 pood
10 pushups
Rest 2 Min
10 hollow rocks
10 supermans
Rest 1 Min
Burpee high jumps (6 in above reach)
For total reps
Result: 480 reps
Note: Fun! And challenging. 3 rounds + 35 reps, 5 rounds + 10 reps, 7 rounds, 20 reps.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Front Squat 3x3
Description: Front Squat 3-3-3
For max weight
Result: 255 lbs 3RM
Note: Got the 3 rep and had nothing left for even one more in the next set.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Deadlift 3x3
Description: Deadlift 3-3-3
For 3 rep max
Result: 375 lbs
Note: Felt much stronger than last week. Ten pound PR.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Push Jerk 5x5
Description: Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
5 rep max
Result: 155 lbs
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Push Press 3x5
Description: Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
3 rep max
Result: 175 lbs
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Press 1x5
Description: Shoulder Press
One rep max
Result: 145 lbs
MK - sent from Droid
Name: CFC 1-8
Description: 21 Deadlift (95), 42 Push-ups, 15 Half-moons, 30 Pull-ups, 9 Ground-to-Overhead (95), 18 Box Jump (24")
For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next
Result: 7:33
MK - sent from Droid
Name: CFC 1-7
Description: 15 Pull-ups, 20 Double Unders, 30 Squats
As many rounds as possible in 20 min
Result: 9 rounds + 11 pull-ups
Note: Pushed hard by EE shooting for 10 rounds. :-)
MK - sent from Droid
Name: CFC 1-6
Description: Box Squat
5 - 5 - 5 repsResult: 245
Note: Difficult due to soreness from Tuesday. Kept form throughout.
MK - sent from Droid
Name: Deadlift 5 by 3
Description: Deadlift
Result: 365 3rm
Note: 345, 365 (pr), 375 (2,1f), 375 (1, 2f), 315
MK - sent from Droid
Name: CFC 1-4
Description: 8 Deadlifts, 30 Situps
5 rounds for time
Result: 7:38
Note: 60% of 1rm for DL (235)
MK - sent from Droid
Name: CFC 1-3
Description: Clean and Jerk 95 lbs
Each min on the min, add one rep per round until failure to complete
Result: 10 rounds
MK - sent from Droid
Name: New Year Run Challenge
Description: Run ten minutes for maximum distance
Every hour on the hour for 12 hours
Result: 16.22 miles
Note: Done in Ithaca at Melissa's house. I was inspired to do this because Erika gave me this super shirt I wanted to wear and she always loves to just go on a run. Here was a cool way to do that - twelve times in a day.
In the end, I am proud to have completed it. I am also stupid for the same. Long stories made short - the same aches from the last 12 hour race I ran came up this time and I should have called it after 8. But pride won out again and I slowed down and struggled through to the finish. Thankfully, Erika's support from afar and Bonnie running alongside me made it possible.
It was a cool experience. I look forward to watching others do it in the near future.
MK - sent from Droid