Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Level One - WOD Twenty - Eight
Of all the workouts this week – today is by far the shortest. I won’t say easiest because if you keep the intensity up then no day is easy. Never should you get done with a CrossFit WOD and say “That was easy.” If you do, then you need to up the weight, drop the time, and do it again.
Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD: 7 by 7
o AMRAP – 7 mins
> 7 reps, Flutter Kick - 4 count
> 7 reps, Row - +10# warm-up weight
> 7 reps, ½ body-weight pulldowns
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga
Post thoughts and rounds/partials to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - WOD Twenty - Seven
How was your visit with my friend? Did he treat you well? Or did you tell him where to stick it?
Whether you want to believe it or not, every single workout that you do – be it grueling and intense or easy and balanced – makes Mr. Time have to wait just a tad longer for you to come to the party. If for no other reason – working out certainly makes sense to me!
No fancy names for today’s workout. It’s just a solid mental day. At some point you will have to dig in and push.
We also introduce you to the concept of the FOUL. This will come up periodically. Usually they are used extensively in endurance training so that the athlete can learn to judge and maintain intensity to keep them from crashing before the finish line. You will do the same. If a workout signifies a foul then you are to complete it if you do foul. You are to complete as many foul’s as you had. So if you fouled five times in the workout, you will complete the foul work five times. Questions?
Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o 30 Rounds for Time
> Med Ball Thruster Toss (6 pace distance)
> Walking Lunge, 6 steps
> Sprint to retrieve the ball (if needed) and bring back to start line
Ball must reach the 6 step distance line or FOUL
FOUL: 1 min max rep BURPEES
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga
Before you get started, designate a start line and take six giant steps (3 left, 3 right), mark this end line.
Post thoughts, time, and fouls to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Level One - Day Twenty - Six WOD
I’d like to introduce you to my friend. He’s a nice guy, really. Perhaps a little dark. Sometimes sinister. Usually with a cackle in his laugh. Yet, he is tireless. And will play his game long past when you wish he would quit. It is up to you to laugh back at him. To visit that dark place. Get up. Go again. You can’t cheat him. And he really hates it when you make him wait. So get up. Go again. Do it one more time. Tell him where he can shove those sands of time. F*ck off, Death. I ain’t done yet.
Today’s WOD: “Death By…Squats, Push-ups, Sit-ups.”
• Warm – up, 3 x 10. Drop the squat, sit, and push to 3 x 3 today only.
• WOD:
o With a continuously running clock, on the minute – perform one rep of each exercise the first minute, two reps in the second minute, three reps in the third, and so on. After you fail to perform the required reps of an exercise in that round – drop that exercise and do the remaining exercise(s) until you fail to complete a round completely. Your rest time is however much time is left in that minute after you completed all three exercises for the number of reps required in that round.
> Squat
> Sit-up
> Push-up
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga
Do not change exercise until you have finished the required reps. I expect that somewhere around round ten it will become difficult to get in all of an exercise at once. Do them with rest as needed. Do all of your required squats in that minute before moving to the sit-up before moving to the push-up. If your sit-ups take up a lot of time and you fail to complete all of your push-ups then you failed at the push-up. Drop the push-up at that point and move to the next round to do the squats and sits. Eventually you’ll fail the sits too. Drop those and keep going until you can no longer get in the number of squats you need to for a successful round.
Post the number of rounds/partial rounds for each exercise.
Post thoughts and time to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Level One - Day Twenty-Five WOD
How did your travel workouts go? Did you successfully complete them? Were there any issues that prevented you from doing them? Let us know how they went!
This week is a good chance to increase the intensity with which you perform these workouts. Remember, that just performing the work is a great start, but it is the intensity that you perform the work with that will continue to drive positive results.
We have many new challenges this week along with some old movements that caused us chagrin a few weeks ago. Let’s get to it!
Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o AMRAP – 9 minutes
> Single Under’s (Jump Rope), 36 reps
> Suicide Run, 9 yards/18 yards
> Dumbbell Shoulder or Push Press, 9 reps @ 15 pounds
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga
Set up your suicide run and do this work outside if the weather permits. You should do it outside no matter what the weather is, however if you choose to do this inside due to weather then set the treadmill at 5.2 mph and 10% grade – go for 5 secs, jump off onto the rails, jump right back on and go for 10 secs.
Post thoughts and time to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Level One - Day's Twenty-Three and Twenty-Four WOD
These next two WOD’s come as a special request.
Many times, our lives find a way to get in between our health and fitness. This is not always a bad thing. It teaches us adaptability. We learn how to take what we are given and make it work for our purposes. As we said in the Marines, “Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome.”
WOD’s Twenty-three and Twenty-four are travel work-outs in which absolutely no equipment is needed. A couple weeks ago, two of our athletes found themselves in a hotel room with no ability to do the entire WOD as prescribed so they made some changes and found out how awesome a simple 2-flight set of stairs can be in kicking one’s ass.
Whenever you find yourself somewhere other than home, get into the habit of looking at what is around you and thinking in terms of “How can I use that in a workout?” Benches in the park become box jumps, one-legged step-ups, elevated push-ups, and dip stands. Ottomans in Grandmom’s tea room become dip stands, agility ladders, and prowler sleds. Curbs, stairs, books, doors, and more become tools for training. Even cars. Find a parking lot, pick a time or distance, put it in neutral, and PUSH!
Here are two workouts to put in your back pocket for any trip. You will be doing both this week – however when you do them is up to you, obviously dependent on when you can find the 15 minutes to get it in. Remember – they take no equipment whatsoever and can be done anywhere so if you get to bed and realize that you had not completed the workout then…you got it. Get it done!
Travel WOD’s (to be done in any order you choose):
• 1 Round for time
o 21 push-ups, 42 squats
o 15 push-ups, 30 squats
o 9 push-ups, 18 squats
• AMRAP – 12 Minutes
o 10 Bench Dips
o 10 Box Jumps
o 10 Lunges (each leg) – change direction each round, lunge forward first, then backward.
Super simple. Enjoy.
Post thoughts, time, and reps to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Level One - Day Twenty-Two WOD
How was your trip down memory lane? Did you perform as expected or better than expected? Assuming that there was no out-lying factors (current illness, injury, death, etc.) we should always expect to see some positive result. Many times, our athletes see positive results in lower times or more reps. Other times they see results in increased intensity as evidenced by higher weights and less scaling.
And with that we move on to the next challenge.
A new movement! Athletes meet the Man-Maker. You know his brother intimately, especially after yesterday. Grab a set of light dumbbells and get ready to learn this movement.
The Man-Maker is very similar to the Burpee. The biggest difference is right there in your hands – extra weight. The next difference is that there is no jump which makes this very similar to the military’s old PT stand-by, the Bodybuilder. Perform this movement very slowly for the first few times. You will speed it up during the workout, though we don’t expect you to do it very quickly ever. If you can start to do these as fast as a Burpee then you’ll need to increase the weight.
From the neutral standing position with your arms holding the dumbbells loosely at the sides, squat down until the DB’s touch the floor. Kick back to a push-up position with your feet in the wide stance. Perform one push-up. Then one-arm row your right arm. Put the weight back down and do the same with your left. When completed, bring your legs in to the squat position. As you stand, hammer curl (keep your wrists in the same position all the way up, similar to holding a hammer) the weight to your shoulders. Once you are standing with the weight at your shoulders perform an overhead press. Bring the weight back down to your shoulders and reverse the hammer curl until your arms are loose at your side again. That’s one.
This can be performed with dumbbells, med-balls with handles, kettlebells, little children… You get the idea. You’ll be starting light at first though are expected to increase the weight as needed.
Today’s WOD:
• Warm-up, 2 x 15
• WOD:
o 3 rounds for time
> Wallball – 10# ball, 10 reps
> Sprint 60 seconds (200 yards) [1% at 8 mph]
> Man-maker – 15#/10# DB, 10 reps
> Sprint 30 seconds (100 yards) [1% at 8 mph]
> Rest 1 min
• Cool-down; Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter Water
Post thoughts and time to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Level One - Day Twenty-One WOD
Welcome to Week Six! Do you realize that by performing work four days a week for the past five weeks that you have successfully completed twenty workouts unrivaled by anything you have ever done before? Congratulations!
So – how are you feeling? Are you hooked yet?
Last week you were given the option of getting on the scale after a full month of more nutritious eating and CrossFitting. What did you decide? If you got onto the scale and took your measurements, let us know! Email your results to me and I will post them in a web-friendly format based upon your previous results. If you are changing your diet next month to become more Zone friendly – we will need to get on the scale at that time; there is no getting out of that weight/measurement session.
Today, we go back in time. Every so often (not very often) CrossFitters re-visit previous workouts to gage their performance gains. If you look at the main-site WOD’s you will find that this occurs about once a month and the workout you are looking back at may have occurred up to 18 months earlier. To me, one of the coolest things about CF is evidenced by just that – it took 18 months before a workout was repeated, once. And at that, it was by design and did not have to occur at all if Coach didn’t want it to. That is only one of the things that make us so unique. Follow any other style of workout and you’ll get a week’s worth (maybe 4 or 5 days) of workouts then are told to repeat them for four to six weeks if not more. Boring in my book. That must be what sells all those magazines. Boredom crying out for something different.
Enough pontificating. It’s time to get to work.
Do you remember WOD #2? We’ve brought it back for you. Grab a treadmill and a spot of floor – we’re doing Running Burpees!
Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 2 x 10.
• WOD:
- 5 Rounds for time
> Run 30 Seconds
> 10 Burpees
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga
Post thoughts and time to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Level One - Day Twenty WOD
Since you survived Super Nineteen... Come get some! You're scheduled to do some serious rowing today. Ready?
Today's WOD:
* Warm-up, 2 x 10.
* WOD:
- Row with cable row machine (70# men/50# women)
> 60:30 x 2
> 30:15 x 3
> 20:10 x 4
> 10:5 x 5
* Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter water.
By the way, that is 60 seconds on, 30 seconds off; 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off; et cetera. Questions?
If you have access to a rowing machine - set it to level 5 (guys) and level 4 (ladies) and do the same workout. Post your total distance to comments.
Post thoughts to comments.
That's it! Go out and do something special tonight.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Coach PR's @ TTT 5K
Met a great running crew from the area - Sue, Cindy, Rick, Blair, and a bunch of other awesome runners whose names I just can't remember. Sorry! Looking forward to doing some training together!
Thanks to all the athletes and coaches for your support!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Level One - Day Nineteen WOD
Do you feel like you climbed a mountain after yesterday's 70 four-count mountain climbers? Working them hard yesterday has helped you "grease the groove" for today. Get a good warm-up with lots of good deep squats and keep those hip flexors loose. You pumped out a solid time trial earlier this week. Today you get to push the interval button. Plus a new movement! What fun!
Today's WOD:
* Warm-up, 2 x 10.
* WOD:
- 3 rounds for time
> 30:15 x 4, 7% @ 4.8 mph. [30 seconds on, 15 seconds off for four rounds then...]
> Sub-round x 3
. Weighted Sit-up, 7 reps [with 10# ball or 10# dumbbell held at arms length]
. Inchworm, body length [from the planche position - scoot your elbows forward until your back starts to "collapse" and you start to fall to the ground, quickly scoot your toes forward until you are in a solid planche again. Do this for the length of your body. TIP: figure out your start and stop points before starting the workout]
* Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water
Before I get a million requests for explanation...
You will do four sets of the run interval then you'll do the sub-round 3 times (sit, inch, sit, inch, sit, inch). That is 1 total round. You'll do that three total times. This is with a continuously running clock so go for broke! You can rest all you want as you're laying in a pool of sweat! Ahh, the cooling factor...
Post thoughts and time to comments.
Super Awesome. Have fun. DO WORK!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Level One - Day Eighteen WOD
How did your time trial go? Are you pleased with the result? If not then think of what you would have liked it to be and add the words "In six months, on (date), I will reach a distance ten minutes." We will try it again then.
In the meantime...we've cooked up a great new WOD for you to try today!
* Warm - up, 2 x 10
* WOD:
- 7 rounds for time
> 10 mountain climbers (4 count)
> 20 single unders (single jump with jump rope)
* Cool-down, Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter Water
A few notes:
- Really do your best to get rolled and stretched out. This is crucial for your recovery.
- This week starts your mandatory Yoga. This is 10 - 15 minutes of relaxed poses and breathing practice. This can be done after the workout or any other time of day. Might I suggest after supper or right before bed? There are countless free Yoga videos on YouTube and iTunes.
- Please ensure that you are posting your times/rounds/reps/etc to each WOD after you do it. It would be truly beneficial if you would also post some thoughts about how you felt before/during/after the workout.
That's it. Kick it hard.
Post thoughts and time to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Level One - Day Seventeen WOD
A new week beckons. It has now been one month of CrossFit for you! Care to give us your thoughts so far?
I am very proud of each and every one of you. Congratulations on committing to this lifestyle change that will only benefit you.
You have this entire week to decide if you want to do the deed and finally get on the scale again. After Sunday - this is no longer an option. If you do, be sure to get your results to me. I'm sure that you will see positive results!
Today we're going fast and hard. It's the start of Met-Con weeks! Enjoy.
Today's WOD:
* Warm-up, 2 x 10
* WOD:
- Time Trial, Max Distance in 10 minutes
* Cool-down, Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter water.
Run fast. Run far. Don't give in. It's only 10 minutes. Push. PUSH. PUSH!!!
Post distance to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Level One - Day Sixteen WOD
A special WOD just for you...
* Warm-up, 2 x 10
- Max distance standing broad jump.
- Accomplish this by doing some jump rope followed by 10 squats, 5 short jumps, 5 short jumps, 3 medium jumps, then 5 attempts for maximum distance. Take 1 to 3 minutes rest between rounds and attempts for max.
* Cool-down - roller, stretch, yoga + 1 liter water.
Post distance to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
P.S. Have an awesome birthday. SMILE. You deserve it.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Rest Day
The blog is officially up, running, and fully updated with all previous workouts. Please take the time this coming week to get your WOD results into the comments section of each workout that you have completed.
Today is a rest day. With your busy weekend (Happy Early Birthday, Shawna!) there are no homework assignments for today.
This post is a test to ensure that the auto-email feature does indeed work as intended. If something is not right let me know.
That's it. Enjoy your day off! Back to it tomorrow with a birthday WOD!
Have fun. REST HARD!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Level One - Day Fifteen WOD
I've been working on getting the blog updated with all the workouts you have done so far. To this point, I've only been able to get six up but anticipate having it completed by the end of the weekend. That means that starting next week you will be receiving your workouts there. Once it is all up and running, I want you to go back through your log and post your times/reps/distances to the workout "comments" sections. Check out the CrossFit main site ( to see what I'm talking about.
You are rapidly completing your first month of CrossFit training and healthy eating. Great job! As we finish out this week I need you to review your goals (the ones that you should have written down when you started) to refresh your memory. If they were not written, now you have a good idea of what you are capable of and can shoot for, as well as what you would like to happen - hence "goals." Let's get them down and submitted. There are no excuses as to why it hasn't occurred yet.
Did you know that yesterday was World Health Day? I did my part. You did too. Way to go!
Today's workout includes an old, but fun kids play. Enjoy!
- Warm-up, 2 x 10.
- WOD:
- Crab Walk, Max Distance/Time - keep moving until your butt hits the dirt. Any direction, any speed. Change as often as you need. Just don't touch down.
- Tabata Run, 5% grade - no less than 5.2 mph. This is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 8 rounds.
- Tabata Warm-up. Push - Sit - Dips - Squat. Start with the push-ups. When you fail (can't do anymore) change to sit-ups, etc. However, you may be strong enough that you won't fail so do two rounds of Push-ups, change to 2 rounds of Sit-ups, etc. Do not do more than 2 rounds of any exercise. Record your weakest interval (least reps of each exercise).
- Note: Bonnie did this for her first CrossFit workout. Did well! Only got 3 dips though... - Cool-down. Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter water.
Post thoughts, time, and score to comments.
Have an awesome day. Friday's coming!
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Fourteen WOD
It's another beautiful day to be outside - so let's find a set of stairs or a curb for today's workout! These will be two new exercises for you. Give them a shot and let me know how it goes. They are great full body conditioning exercises.
- Warm-up, 2 x 10.
- WOD:
- AMRAP, 7 mins
- Monkey Run, 7 reps
- Good Mornings w/Med Ball, 7 reps
- Cool-down: Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter water
Monkey Run: aka bench walk, Find a set of stairs. From the push up position facing the stairs "walk" using your hands only onto the first stair and then back down. That is one.
Good Morning: Hold the med ball in front of you in the standing neutral squat position. Lock your legs into position, keep you back and abs tight and strong. Bend forward at the hip - not moving your legs or bending your back. Go until you feel a stretch in your hams and the pull back to standing. That is one.
Regarding injuries - today's workout should be okay with Norm's shoulder. However, if you start to feel pain, change the monkey run to a straight planche hold (push-up position on your elbows) for 20 seconds then 7 superman's then 7 good mornings. It's not a perfect one to one substitution but it will work. Let me know if you have to do that.
Okay, gotta go. I biked the 11 miles into work today and am putting a co-worker through a killer WOD this afternoon before biking back. Perhaps you can give me 10 good squats every hour you are at work? Is that too much to ask?

Post thoughts and rounds to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Thirteen WOD
Did you survive the holiday craziness? By now you have got to be very well adjusted to all this traveling around. Will you be slowing down the weekend trips soon? How did your healthy eating habits fare through the weekend?
Welcome to Week 4. You have made great leaps to get to this point. If you don't believe me, we'll prove it to you at the beginning of next week as well as the end. Review your WOD's and results, as well as your nutrition journal, throughout this week to prepare for some homework next week.
Monday WOD:
- Warm-up; 2 x 10.
- WOD:
- 50 Air Squats
- Record the number of times you have to stop and the length of time you stopped each time. The goal is to get through all 50 without stopping, eventually.
- Cool-down; Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter water
That's it. Nice and easy. Good form is paramount. This is not an interval workout so speed is not essential but once you start you are to keep going - one right after another. Use support as needed to ensure that you are sitting back on your heels and getting deep into the movement. Remember, the crease of your hip should dip below the plane of your knee.
Post thoughts to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Twelve WOD
Today is going to be a gorgeous day. Go out to the track for today's workout.
Warm-up and cool-down as normal.
Kick this one into high gear!
Monday WOD:
- Warm-up; 2 x 10.
- WOD:
- One round for time.
- 400 meter run
- 50 squats
- 400 meter run
- 50 push-ups
- 400 meter run
- 50 sit-ups
- 400 meter run
- Cool-down; Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter water
Post thoughts and time to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Eleven WOD
Not much to add for GP (general purpose) today. So we'll just get down to brass tacks.
Today's WOD:
- Warm-up, 2 x 10.
- AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 7 minutes
- Leg Lifts, 15 reps
- Push-ups, 10 reps
- Dips, 5 reps
- You can leave the push-ups/dips out of your warm-up if you'd like, however I'd do them to get the muscles and joints warmed up. Also, be willing to scale down. For example, try the push-up as you normally do and when your muscles fail move up to a push-up off the bench or wall. Then the next round, do it again. Always try to get your regular exercise first before scaling down.
- Cool-down: Roller/Stretching + 1 liter water
Post thoughts and rounds to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Ten WOD
Have you recovered yet from the solid workout you had last night? If not, fear not. Today is a skill day. You have not had one of these yet and we do not do them often, however they will be important to your progression as healthy and powerful individual.
Skill drills are generally done each workout day following the workout for that day. In general, I do expect that you are using any extra time to work on your forms and stretch well. With your schedule and needing to do many workouts separately the opportunity to do so may not come up every day - and that is okay. When you find the opportunity, though, be sure to work on your movements in a controlled, mindful, coached fashion.
The handstand is a pillar movement in the CrossFit Community. See the picture. Eventually, we want to be able to walk 100 yards on our hands. We also want to be able to accomplish a pirouette as well as HSPU (handstand push-ups) on rings. To get there we need to work on the skill. At least once a week I work on this skill too. It is not easy and will tax your body in and of itself. If you find yourself getting frustrated, stand up and take a short walk. Come back and try again. You'll get it.

Tuesday WOD:
- Warm-up, 2 rounds x 10
- WOD:
- Hand/headstand Progressions
- Tripod Headstand (knees on elbows, knees up/legs bent, legs straight)
- Elbows-supported Headstand: Tripod similar headstand but with your elbows on the floor next to your ears.
- Wall/Partner supported Handstand
- No more than 10 minutes work in any one step. Take at least 3 - 5 minutes between progressions.
- Use the wall! Or have your partner hold your legs.
- Expect to be getting up and down - A LOT!
- These are skills - you will feel the work but should not be sucking wind.
- Cool-down - Roller/Stretch + 1 liter water
- At the start of Week 5, I'd like to introduce some simple Yoga and meditation practice to your cool down. Let me know if you need guidance - I have several videos that I can send you.
That's it for this morning. If you have any questions let me know.
Post thoughts to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Nine WOD
Welcome to Week 3! You are now solidly into your new lifestyle. Eating well, exercising regularly, and (hopefully) feeling the results of your effort. I look forward to April 12 when we get the chance to see your new baselines.
How did your weekend fare? Did you fall off the wagon? Or did you stay the course? Having a big change in routine is difficult, especially when you are not with your partner to help guide and make proper choices. If you had trouble - make a note of it - get back onto the bus and prepare for next time. Remember, you only have yourself to be accountable to - the rest of us are a bonus.
This week of workouts will be a fun set that will challenge your ability to move your body through space. We'll learn a few new skills and continue working hard on the skills you already know. Continue to work on your ROM (range of movement) and proper form at all times. Use the warm-up and skill portion of your workout each day to really become solid on these.
Monday - Run; Ladder - Med Ball, Abs, Box Jumps
Tuesday - Hand/Headstand Progressions (Skill Day only)
Wednesday - Off! :-)
Thursday - AMRAP! Leg lifts, Push-ups, Dips (we'll change up your warm-up this day)
Friday - Off! :-) [Unless you can't do Saturday, in which case you'll flip-flop the workout)
Saturday - Run/Body weight exercise Interval, 1 round for time.
It's going to be a great week! Let's get started.
Monday WOD:
- Standard Warm-up, 2 rounds x 10 reps
- 60 - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 reps for time (60 to 10 ladder)
- Run, 5 % at 4.6 mph for 60 seconds
- Med Ball Toss - back and forth (each pass is one, each catch is one. You will only actually toss the ball 30 times. You will catch the ball 30 times for a total of 60. This is a fluid movement like the wallball. Catch as you move into the sumo squat and explode up as you granny toss the ball to your partner.
- Run (as above)
- Sitting Knee to Chest (50 reps)
- Run (as above)
- Box Jump (40 reps)
- Repeat from the top (Med ball - 30 reps; Knees to Chest 20 reps; Box Jump - 10 reps.)
- Run (as above) to finish.
- Score is total time it takes to finish. If you are feeling great on the last run - turn up the speed!
- Cool-down, Roller/stretch + 1 liter water.
If you really want to challenge yourself. Instead of repeating the exercises - pick three others to do. Perhaps...Flutter kicks, burpees, and bear crawls? Sounds good to me!
I imagine that you may have a question on how to exactly perform this set of exercises. I did the best I can to explain it over email. If you have a question, give me a call and I'll give you a verbal explanation.
That's it for today! Off to meetings...
Post thoughts and time to comments.
Have fun! DO WORK!
Level One - Day Eight WOD
The end of another work week and the start of a very busy weekend - Friday is here. This week has been a challenge as we continue to learn new movements, get our bodies adjusted to increased work, and deal with everyday life. You are doing a great job and should be proud of yourselves. When others ask, say with pride, "I am a CrossFitter."
With Shawna's travels today I am making a small adjustment to the regularly scheduled workout. Let's get to it.
- Warmup, 2 x 10
- 15 - 12 - 9 reps for time:
- Flutter-kick (4-count)
- Burpee
- Rest 3 minutes
- Tabata Interval (20 secs on, 10 secs off x 8 rounds)
- Box Jumps
- Cool-down, Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter Water
For the box jumps, use the steps in the house or apartment complex. Or use the curb by the parking lot. Anything will work - it's the intensity, not the height.
Norm - you should be able to do the WOD minus the Box Jumps. Be careful with the Burpee in regards to your leg. If you feel like you need a sub, let me know. We can change it up for you.
That's it for today. I expect this workout to take no more than 20 minutes from the time you decide to start the warm-up to the end. Recovery might take a bit longer...

Post thoughts and time to comments.
Have fun. Be Safe. Eat well. Rest much. Hydrate often. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Seven WOD
Another successful rest day is under the belt. I trust that you rested well and worked on your assignments. Ensure that every day you are making notes regarding how your body feels, especially in regards to your nutrition (did you feel hungry before you got to your next meal/snack, what time did you eat, was your energy high but mental focus low, etc...).
This weekend will be another one full of crazy schedules and temptations. Start thinking now of how to handle them. You will need to continue getting a full night's rest. Be sure not to whack out your sleep schedule by staying up till 3 just because. You can always talk more in the morning. Also, remember alcohol is okay - but in serious moderation. 4 oz of wine or beer is equal to 1/2 apple, 4 cups of broccoli, or 10 cups of spinach (all equal to one block of carbohydrate). Have fun, but be mindful. Also, if you are pushed to get on the scale try your best to push back. If you can't it won't kill us to do so but don't let the numbers hinder you. By April 10th, I should have the blog up and running and they can track your progress there - tell them to wait.
Shawna - you've done a lot of exercises to this point. Tell me your two favorites that you feel you would be able to do where you are going (burpees, for example). Your workout with the girls tomorrow will include them.
Norm - how's the leg? Today we want to get some blood flow into it and good deep stretching.
Today's WOD:
- Warm-up, 2 x 10.
- DB Swings (15 # / 10 #)
- 30:15 x 3, 20:10 x 3, 10:5 x 3 - 1 min rest between set changes
- Score the lowest set each round
- Cool-down, Roller/Stretch + 1 Liter Water
For your swings, remember to activate the hips fully forward. Get full extension on knees and hips. Your heels may come off the ground at the point of full extension. Keep the lumbar curve throughout the movement. Do these a few times slowly with a 5 pound weight to get the movement before starting the workout.
The sets are: 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off for 3 rounds; 45 seconds off; 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 3 rounds; 50 seconds off; 10 seconds on, 5 seconds off for 3 rounds. The "off" time between sets equals approximately 1 minute. This workout is timed for 6 minutes overall.
Count the reps each time. Score the round like tabata's. For example, I did 25, 27, 24; score is 24. I did 18, 18, 19; Score is 18. I did 7, 8, 9. Score is 7. Calculate the total from these scores. Total is 24 + 18 + 7 = 39.
Make sense?
Norm - you can try this, though if you are pushing hard for time it might hurt. You can do either of the following modifications:
- 3 sets of 3 rounds x 15 reps - increase weight each round and set, 10 seconds rest between rounds, 45 seconds rest between sets. No hard extension - just slow steady form. This turns it into less of a swing and more of an upper body power pull.
- Change the movement to a DB cross. Hold the DB in front of you, twist to the left fully then twist to the right fully. Follow the above directions for sets and rounds.
- Do a max bench using dumbbells. This requires progression - you should do a few light rounds of 3-4 reps, then increase for 2 rounds of 2 reps, then start pushing hard for the max lift - 1 rep max each time till failure. If you fail at, say 50 pound DB's, try again. If you fail a second time, go down to 45 and do 2 sets of max reps before finishing with your cool-down.

Ask yourself - am I interested or committed?
Post thoughts and scores to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Level One - Day Six WOD
First - Norm, how are you feeling? I imagine you are quite sore and walking a bit funny. Be sure to continue taking the Aleve every 12 hours and do some light walking and stretching throughout the day. You will need to keep that area warm and full of oxygenated blood for a quick recovery. Today's workout will not be possible for you so I have designed something else for you to take on. Keep me apprised of your injury status so that we can work around it. These types of events occur and while unfortunate, they give us great opportunity to extend our boundaries in other directions. And if you think a quad strain is enough to hamper a workout - check out Chris at CrossFit Berks who has no use of his legs at all.
Moving on.
Today's WOD, as rx'd:
- Warm-up, 2 rounds x 10 reps
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, for time.
- Superman (2 sec hold)
- Box Jump (10")
- Shuttle Run (10/20) - One run between each set. (Ten total runs)
A superman is when you lay on your stomach with your arms overhead. Contract your core to bring your arms and legs off the ground as if you are flying. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat.
At your place, you can do box jumps on the curbing outside or on the side of the treadmill (make sure it isn't running!)
If you can do the shuttle run outside - great! Mark off 10 and 20 yards. Run to 10, run to the start, run to 20, run to the start. This won't be easy. You will probably end up walking (or crawling).

If you can't do the shuttle outside then do it on the treadmill - run 10 seconds, jump off belt, run 10 seconds, jump off belt, run 20 seconds, jump off belt, run 20 seconds, jump off belt. 5 Mph at 3% grade. Easy Peesy.
Modified WOD:
- Warm-up, 2 x 10 (use the bike to support for squats - this will be a good stretch)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, for time
- Superman (2 sec hold)
- Dumbbell Bench Press (20 pound, 40 if you are feeling great)
- Row (use the cable machine + 50 pounds, scale as needed)
Have Fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Five WOD
Kudos for the excellent work that you performed last WOD. So you understand how hard you were working (this is a good news/bad news thing) - at 5 mph on a treadmill at 10% grade you are essentially running an 8 minute mile. That means you were performing close to 3.5 horsepower! That also means that you were pushing yourself to complete one lap on the track in under two minutes. If you were only making it half-way before being gassed and having to back off quite a bit - you know where you stand and have a benchmark for the future. In my book, it goes under the column "Motivation."
That's it for now. Below is your WOD.
- Warm-up, Standard - 2 x 10.
- WOD, 10 rounds for time
- 10 Wallball
- 10 Walking Lunge, with ball. Knee as close to floor as possible. 10 full reps, not 5 for each leg. Start with the left leg, count every time you use your right.
Have Fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Four WOD
Think Quick, Light, Smooth, Fast. We're off and running! Enjoy.
* Warm-up, 2 x 10
- Tabata Run!
> Sixty seconds on, 30 seconds off x 8 rounds
> If on treadmill: set at 10% grade and 5 mph
> Do not go below 5% grade and 4.3 mph. Trust me. You can do this.
* Cool-down, Roller/Stretch + 1 liter Water
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Three WOD
Have you returned to the land of the living yet? I hope that you took advantage of the day off and rested well. Rest days are a planned event in our sport and are truly important to both our physical well-being (and repair!) and our mental recovery. Without a doubt, CrossFitters put out the highest intensity and perform the most work (remember: work equals force times distance over time, better known as power) of any athlete in sport. Be proud of what you are doing!
Today is workout number three. It is a day in which we incorporate all three fitness modalities: gymnastics (moving your body through space), weightlifting (moving your body through space with additional weight), and metabolic conditioning (cardio).
- Warm-up, 2 x 10
- Main Workout - As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 7 minutes
- Med Ball Toss
- Chase
- Sit-up x 5
- Cool-down
- Roller, Stretch
- + 1 liter Water
A couple points: The med-ball toss can be performed several different ways - from a squat toss the ball as you stand up in a basketball push-pass form, or you can toss it from a muted squat similar to shooting a basketball "granny-style" with a swing from between the knees. If you are really feeling your oats, you can "Hoover" it which starts with in the granny fashion but you drive hard and throw the ball over your head behind you. Then chase after it. When you get there do five sit-ups. If the sit-ups are a problem sub it out for something else like leg-lifts or mountain-climbers or squats. Pick the ball up and do it again. Count the number of rounds you do if at all possible. (I usually mess up the counts when I do it so I bring along a lap counter)
Concession: You are probably a bit sore from getting started on a new workout regimen after so long off. This is normal. It is your body's way of making gains and telling you that it needs recovery. If you get to round 10 or 15 and do not think you'll make it to 7 minutes then you can stop there (record the time that it took) or choose to cut down the minutes (perhaps to 4 or 5 minutes).
That's it for today. Remember, if you have any questions or even just general comments - let me know!
Take this one outside.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day Two WOD
I hope you had a positive first experience! Yes, even the warm-ups can kick your butt until you get used to the work. Now that you have done it, we can scale a bit.
Warm-up, 2 rounds x 10 reps. Include the 2 minutes of Jump Rope or Up and Downs. If you did JR yesterday, today is your day to do U&D.
WOD: 5 rounds for time (you will be recording this time)
- Run 30 seconds, RPE 7/10 (rate of perceived exertion 7 on scale of 10)
- Burpees x 10
Cool-down: Roller and stretch. +1 liter of Water
Note: On your workout, set the treadmill to a speed you could handle for 60 seconds and at 1% grade. For example, I can run a 60 second 400m. That is 10 mph. I would set the treadmill here. It will be easy the first two or three, but the last two you will have to dig deep and push. Coach each other through this. That is the neuro-training we've talked about. Always use at least a 1% grade on the treadmill. Otherwise you are effectively running downhill.
Second note: With your workout you will run, go immediately to the burpees, then repeat right away. There is no rest until you finish. SO FINISH QUICKLY! Record WOD, times, and speeds.
Remember, if you have any questions call or email.
Have Fun. DO WORK!
Level One - Day One WOD
Today is an easy start - lots of form work. Take your time to get used to these movements as you will perform them before every workout.
Warm-up (to take approximately 15 minutes)
- 2 min Jump Rope or Up and Downs
- Loosen Joints (Arm swings, leg swings, knee revolutions, etc.)
- Wall/Box Push-up
- Squat
- Box/Bench Dip
- Sit-up
- Bar Rows (Pull-up)
Your workout (after you have done the warm-up) is to work on getting comfortable with the warm-up movements. Work on Range of Motion (ROM) trying to get deeper into the squat for example. Work on finding your scale needs - how high a box will let you get 10 good dips, for example. Do not count how many of each you do during this skills work. Just keep doing them until you are comfortable. Today's workout should last about 15-20 minutes.
Cool-Down consists of using the roller and stretching. For now just do what feels good. We will go over more specific work later.
Have fun. DO WORK!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
CrossFit Collective
Our Collective Trainers are experts in various sport specific tasks such as Olympic Weightlifting, Team Sports, and Endurance Sports. Each day we post a Work Out of the Day (WOD) for General Physical Preparedness (GPP), and in addition, post a sport specific WOD for those who have very specific goals other than just pursuing the best fitness of your life. If you are a triathlete, wrestler, lacrosse player, hard working man or woman, we will guide you to amazing results! With CrossFit as the core of your fitness, sport specific drills and technique become safer and improve exponentially!
We are here to change the way you think about exercise. No longer is it a necessary evil toward weight loss, beach bodies, and just better health. While those things are enjoyable in their own right, fitness is something different. Fitness is our ability to perform as many tasks as possible with the utmost efficiency and power. It starts with our diet, and dedication to steady, diligent, and intelligent, forms of exercise. What results is not only a healthy, good looking physique, but a mentally and physically capable individual. In the pursuit of optimal wellness, fitness is freedom.
Are you tired of trying fad programs out of magazines endorsed by people who are getting paid to say anything? Developing a lifestyle of wellness is not an all-at-once complete overhaul, but a step-by-step progression that starts with reconsidering how we can find exercise and nutrition in and around our daily demands.
CrossFit in a nutshell is constantly varied, functional movements at high intensity. It is completely scalable to any physical ability, and because the movements are designed to improve everyday life situations, the results are measurable very quickly.
Call (717) 669-3780 for more information.