Have you recovered yet from the solid workout you had last night? If not, fear not. Today is a skill day. You have not had one of these yet and we do not do them often, however they will be important to your progression as healthy and powerful individual.
Skill drills are generally done each workout day following the workout for that day. In general, I do expect that you are using any extra time to work on your forms and stretch well. With your schedule and needing to do many workouts separately the opportunity to do so may not come up every day - and that is okay. When you find the opportunity, though, be sure to work on your movements in a controlled, mindful, coached fashion.
The handstand is a pillar movement in the CrossFit Community. See the picture. Eventually, we want to be able to walk 100 yards on our hands. We also want to be able to accomplish a pirouette as well as HSPU (handstand push-ups) on rings. To get there we need to work on the skill. At least once a week I work on this skill too. It is not easy and will tax your body in and of itself. If you find yourself getting frustrated, stand up and take a short walk. Come back and try again. You'll get it.

Tuesday WOD:
- Warm-up, 2 rounds x 10
- WOD:
- Hand/headstand Progressions
- Tripod Headstand (knees on elbows, knees up/legs bent, legs straight)
- Elbows-supported Headstand: Tripod similar headstand but with your elbows on the floor next to your ears.
- Wall/Partner supported Handstand
- No more than 10 minutes work in any one step. Take at least 3 - 5 minutes between progressions.
- Use the wall! Or have your partner hold your legs.
- Expect to be getting up and down - A LOT!
- These are skills - you will feel the work but should not be sucking wind.
- Cool-down - Roller/Stretch + 1 liter water
- At the start of Week 5, I'd like to introduce some simple Yoga and meditation practice to your cool down. Let me know if you need guidance - I have several videos that I can send you.
That's it for this morning. If you have any questions let me know.
Post thoughts to comments.
Have fun. DO WORK!
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