
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Level One - Day Nine WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

Welcome to Week 3! You are now solidly into your new lifestyle. Eating well, exercising regularly, and (hopefully) feeling the results of your effort. I look forward to April 12 when we get the chance to see your new baselines.

How did your weekend fare? Did you fall off the wagon? Or did you stay the course? Having a big change in routine is difficult, especially when you are not with your partner to help guide and make proper choices. If you had trouble - make a note of it - get back onto the bus and prepare for next time. Remember, you only have yourself to be accountable to - the rest of us are a bonus.

This week of workouts will be a fun set that will challenge your ability to move your body through space. We'll learn a few new skills and continue working hard on the skills you already know. Continue to work on your ROM (range of movement) and proper form at all times. Use the warm-up and skill portion of your workout each day to really become solid on these.

Monday - Run; Ladder - Med Ball, Abs, Box Jumps
Tuesday - Hand/Headstand Progressions (Skill Day only)
Wednesday - Off! :-)
Thursday - AMRAP! Leg lifts, Push-ups, Dips (we'll change up your warm-up this day)
Friday - Off! :-) [Unless you can't do Saturday, in which case you'll flip-flop the workout)
Saturday - Run/Body weight exercise Interval, 1 round for time.

It's going to be a great week! Let's get started.

Monday WOD:
  • Standard Warm-up, 2 rounds x 10 reps
  • WOD
    • 60 - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 reps for time (60 to 10 ladder)
      • Run, 5 % at 4.6 mph for 60 seconds
      • Med Ball Toss - back and forth (each pass is one, each catch is one. You will only actually toss the ball 30 times. You will catch the ball 30 times for a total of 60. This is a fluid movement like the wallball. Catch as you move into the sumo squat and explode up as you granny toss the ball to your partner.
      • Run (as above)
      • Sitting Knee to Chest (50 reps)
      • Run (as above)
      • Box Jump (40 reps)
      • Repeat from the top (Med ball - 30 reps; Knees to Chest 20 reps; Box Jump - 10 reps.)
      • Run (as above) to finish.
    • Score is total time it takes to finish. If you are feeling great on the last run - turn up the speed!
  • Cool-down, Roller/stretch + 1 liter water.

If you really want to challenge yourself. Instead of repeating the exercises - pick three others to do. Perhaps...Flutter kicks, burpees, and bear crawls? Sounds good to me!

I imagine that you may have a question on how to exactly perform this set of exercises. I did the best I can to explain it over email. If you have a question, give me a call and I'll give you a verbal explanation.

That's it for today! Off to meetings...

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun! DO WORK!



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