
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Level One - WOD Twenty - Seven

Good Morning, Athletes!

How was your visit with my friend? Did he treat you well? Or did you tell him where to stick it?

Whether you want to believe it or not, every single workout that you do – be it grueling and intense or easy and balanced – makes Mr. Time have to wait just a tad longer for you to come to the party. If for no other reason – working out certainly makes sense to me!

No fancy names for today’s workout. It’s just a solid mental day. At some point you will have to dig in and push.

We also introduce you to the concept of the FOUL. This will come up periodically. Usually they are used extensively in endurance training so that the athlete can learn to judge and maintain intensity to keep them from crashing before the finish line. You will do the same. If a workout signifies a foul then you are to complete it if you do foul. You are to complete as many foul’s as you had. So if you fouled five times in the workout, you will complete the foul work five times. Questions?

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o 30 Rounds for Time
> Med Ball Thruster Toss (6 pace distance)
> Walking Lunge, 6 steps
> Sprint to retrieve the ball (if needed) and bring back to start line

Ball must reach the 6 step distance line or FOUL

FOUL: 1 min max rep BURPEES

• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga

Before you get started, designate a start line and take six giant steps (3 left, 3 right), mark this end line.

Post thoughts, time, and fouls to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



1 comment:

  1. Shawna: So I did a version of this one as my Saturday work-out at the hotel. When I was doing the warm-up, on round 2 during the squats I felt a twang (not a pop exactly, but something certainly hurt). I did all 3 rounds, but by the end I was really pushing. I took a few minutes rest, and then tried some lunges with the same result but the running was ok. So I threw the MedBall back and forth 30 times and then did a mile run on the treadmill (1.5% incline at 5.5 mph). The whole thing was around 20 min. It was still sore Sunday, but felt a lot better Monday. By yesterday it didn't hurt at all.
