
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Level One - Day Eighteen WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

How did your time trial go? Are you pleased with the result? If not then think of what you would have liked it to be and add the words "In six months, on (date), I will reach a distance ten minutes." We will try it again then.

In the meantime...we've cooked up a great new WOD for you to try today!

* Warm - up, 2 x 10

* WOD:
- 7 rounds for time
> 10 mountain climbers (4 count)
> 20 single unders (single jump with jump rope)

* Cool-down, Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter Water

A few notes:
- Really do your best to get rolled and stretched out. This is crucial for your recovery.
- This week starts your mandatory Yoga. This is 10 - 15 minutes of relaxed poses and breathing practice. This can be done after the workout or any other time of day. Might I suggest after supper or right before bed? There are countless free Yoga videos on YouTube and iTunes.
- Please ensure that you are posting your times/rounds/reps/etc to each WOD after you do it. It would be truly beneficial if you would also post some thoughts about how you felt before/during/after the workout.

That's it. Kick it hard.

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!




  1. Shawna:
    7:15 min
    I have a chest cold and it hurt my chest quite a bit to exert myself. I also have a lot of fatigue so by the end of these I had to really push to finish. But I was able to recover fairly quickly once I got some water and slowed my breathing. The place I feel it the most is in my calves.
    In 6 months I'd like to be able to go 1.35 miles in 10 minutes. (I'd like to be able to add a half mile to my distance, basically.)

    6:30 min
    I found that when I was more upright (acute angle with my body) it really hurt my left shoulder to have my weight on it that way. However, lengthening my body out more and lifting my knees higher released that pain to a more tolerable level. My recovery was fairly quick and I can feel the workout the most in my feet and mid-back.
    In 6 months I want to be able to go 1.25 miles in 10 min.

  2. Great work!

    Mountain climbers can be super tough as you have found out. It is good to hear that your recovery is occurring so quickly.

    In a few weeks we'll start concentrating on getting from the single-under to the double-under so keep working with that rope!

    Super goals! They are very high, yet attainable. For comparison sake, my most recent 5K was run at approximately 20 minutes. That was 1.55 miles in 10 minutes at about 9 mph. When you reach your goals - you'll be smoking the local runners! GET SOME!

