
Updated: 26 December 2010

All CF workouts of the year have been updated and some pictures have been added to previous posts. I will need to go in and fix the posting dates so they are in order and in the right month, but you get the idea.

I'll continue to add my own workout log as time permits. Hopefully with more pictures this year.

If you're interested in some killer food recipes (paleo friendly) be sure to check out The Naked Kitchen Blog!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.30.2010

Name: CFC 12-30

Description: 3 Hang Power Clean, 3 Box Jump

Each min on the min for 15 min

Result: Completed

Note: 135 lb bar, 20/24/43" box complex

MK - sent from Droid

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.29.2010

Name: CFC 12-29

Description: Tabata Push-ups, 800m run, tabata sit-ups, 400m run, tabata squat, 200m run

Continous clock

Result: 22:07 - 36 score

Note: 50 lb vest on run.

MK - sent from Droid

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.28.2010

Name: Diane

Description: Deadlift 225 lbs, Handstand Push-ups

21-15-9 reps, for time

Result: 7:26

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.27.2010

Name: Bull - Mod

Description: Two rounds for time of:
200 Double-unders
135 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps
50 Pull-ups
Run 1 mile

Two rounds for time

Result: 57:25

Note: Mods- 95 lbs, weighted vest for run

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.24.2010

Name: Twas the AM of the Eve

Description: 5 Man-makers; 10 Lunge Steps

5 rounds for time

Result: 8:17

Note: 1 pood kettlebells

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Crossfit WOD: 12.24.2010

Name: 12 Day of 5star Christmas

Description: 1 Snatch; 2 Push Press; 3 Clean; 4 Deadlift; 5 Golden Ring Dips (must sing!); 6 Pullups; 7 Air Squats; 8 Pushups (hands up); 9 Straight Leg Situps; 10 Box Jumps; 11 Burpees; 12 Overhead Squats

Like the song - 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, and so on...

Result: 16:27

Note: 95 lb bar for lifts, At sister Bonnie's affiliate in Warrington PA

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.22.2010

Name: CFC 12-22

Description: 30 Handstand Pushups; 40 Pullups; 50 Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood; 60 Situps; 70 Burpees

For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next

Result: 13:51

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.21.2010

Name: Pullim-Pushem

Description: 75 lbs Sumo Deadlift x 10; Push-ups x 10

10 rounds for time

Result: 6:56

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.20.2010

Name: Jack - Lite

Description: 95 lbs Thruster x 10, 1.5 pood Kettlebell Swing x 10, 24" Box Jumps x 10

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes.

Result: 4 rounds

Note: Cut down WOD due to back pain from lack of warm-up.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.19.2010

Name: Nutts

Description: Handstand Push-ups x 10, 250 lb Deadlift x 15, 30" Box Jumps x 25, Pull-ups x 50, 20 lb Wallball Shots x 100, Double-unders x 200, 400 meter Run with 45 lb plate.

For time

Result: 28:06

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.18.2010

Name: Team WOD w/EE

Description: Row 500 meters; Burpees, Kettlebell Swings 1.5 pood, Wall Ball 15 lbs.

As many rounds as possible in 20 min.

Result: 4769 meters and 300 reps

Note: One partner rows while other does AMRAP on an element. Switch at 500m, continue rep count on next movement. Score is Total Distance and Reps.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.16.2010

Name: CFC 12-16

Description: Deadlifts

1/10, 1/20, 1/30 reps. Not for time.

Result: Completed

Note: 355/335, 355/280, 355/245 lbs

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Crossfit WOD: 12.16.2010

Name: CFC 12-15

Description: Dumbbell Clean, Pullup

10/1, 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, 6/5, 5/6, 4/7, 3/8, 2/9, 1/10 reps for time

Result: 6:03

Note: 35 lb dumbbells

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.14.2010

Name: CFC 12-14

Description: Back Squat

5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3 reps

Result: Completed

Note: 225, 245, 265, 285, 225, 225, 245, 245

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.13.2010

Name: CFC 12-13

Description: Power Snatch, Wall Ball, Knees to Elbows

21-18-15-12-9 reps, for time

Result: 20:07

Note: 115 lbs

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.11.2010

Name: Hash Run - 12-11

Description: Hash Run

For beer.

Result: Completed

Note: Reading HHH - approx 5 miles

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.10.2010

Name: CFC 12-10

Description: Front Squat x 10

Each min on the min for 10 min

Result: Completed plus 2 minutes

Note: 135 lbs

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Crossfit WOD: 12.10.2010

Name: Filthy 50

Description: 24 inch Box Jump x 50, Jumping Pull-ups x 50, KB Swings x 50, Walking Lunge x 50 Steps, Knees to Elbows x 50, 45lb Push Press x 50, Back Extensions x 50, 20lb Wall Ball Shots x 50, Burpees x 50, Double-Unders x 50

For time

Result: 23:51

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.9.2010

Name: 4 Ring Tabata

Description: Ring Row, Ring Dip, Toes 2 Ring, Ring Jump

Tabata intervals. 8 rounds each. Score is total of lowest intervals

Result: 25

Note: Row - 4; Dip - 5; T2R - 4; Jump - 12

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.8.2010

Name: Ape Hangers

Description: Hang Power Snatch 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

3 reps for 5 rounds, increase weight to find 3RM

Result: 3RM - 145 lbs.

Note: 75, 95, 115, 135, 155f, 145

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Crossfit WOD: 12.8.2010

Name: Nicole

Description: Run 400 meters, Max rep Pull-ups

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Result: 6 rounds

Note: With 50 lb weighted vest. Ten pull-ups per round

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.7.2010

Name: Circus

50 Box Jump, 40 Push-up, 30 Pull-up, 20 Sumo-deadlift High Pull @ 95 lbs.
50 Double-unders, 40 Wall Ball, 30 Toes2bar, 20 Power Clean @ 95 lbs.
50 Lunge Step, 40 Ring Row, 30 Sit-ups, 20 Deadlifts @ 320 lbs.

For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next

Result: Failed to complete.

Note: 23 minutes at end of Sit-ups, 26:45 at DL failure - 5 reps.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.3.2010

Name: Solid Core

Description: 1 min Toes to Bar,
1 min Hip Extension,
1 min Planche Hold,
1 min Table Hold,
30 sec Hollow Rock,
30 sec Superman,
30 sec Hollow Rock,
30 sec Superman

As many reps as possible in 6 total min

Result: Completed.

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Crossfit WOD: 12.3.2010

Name: Walking Tall

Description: Overhead Barbell Lunge

10 steps x 5 rounds

Result: Completed

Note: 115 (10), 125 (10), 135 (8+2), 145 (2+3+2+2+1), 165 (f) 155 (f) 115 (10)

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 12.2.2010

Name: Picking Up the Throwdown

Description: 3 min max rep Ground to Overhead @ 95 #
30 sec rest
4 rounds tabata Pull-ups
3 min max rep Ground to Overhead @ 95 #
30 sec rest
4 rounds tabata Push-ups
3 min max rep Ground to Overhead @ 95 #
30 sec rest
4 rounds tabata Sit-ups
3 min max rep Ground to Overhead @ 95 #
30 sec rest
4 rounds tabata Squats

For Time.

Result: 307 reps

Note: 25; 10,8,7,6; 21; 20,15,10,8; 26; 12,12,12,12; 28; 20,19,18,18

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.30.2010

Name: Crawl, Jump, and Shoot

Description: Bear Crawl 30 feet x 2, 36" Box Jump x 5, 20# Wall Ball x 5

As many rounds as possible in 7 min

Result: 8 1/3 rounds + 1 jump

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.29.2010

Name: Tuck and Catch

Description: 8 Toes to Bar, 4 Snatch Balance @ 75 lbs.

As many rounds as possible in 10 min

Result: 10ish ;-)

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Crossfit WOD: 11.29.2010

Name: Snatch Grip Deadlifts

Description: Start at 80% max DL, progress as below

10, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1 reps

Result: Volume = 2010 #

Note: 170, 225, 280, 320, 335, 335, 345

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.27.2010

Name: Snatch, Tuck, and Slam

Description: 5 Hang Power Snatch 95#, 10 Knees to Elbows, 15 Ball Slam

5 rounds for time

Result: 8:52

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.26.2010

Name: Run-n-squat

Description: Run 5 minutes, Squat 1 minute

Ten rounds for distance and reps

Result: 6 miles, 578 squats

Note: 50, 58, 60, 52, 60, 60, 60, 58, 60, 60

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.25.2010

Name: Turkey Day

Description: 6 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats) split by 5 outdoor movements
80# sandbag carry @ 400m, 140# farmer's carry @ 160m, 95# overhead walk @ 80m, 230# prowler push @ 80m, tire flip @ 80m

Result: Completed

Note: At CrossFit Ithaca with my sisters.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.23.2010

Name: Jeremy

Description: Overhead Squat, Burpees to bar

21-15-9 reps, for time

Result: 10:28

Note: 105 lbs

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.22.2010

Name: Rev Me Up

Description: 50 double-unders, 10 squat clean @ 135#, 40 sit-up, 8 deadlift @ 245#, 30 push-up, 6 back squat @ 225#, 20 pull-ups, 4 turkish get-up @ 1.5 pood, 10 box jumps, 2 clean & jerk @ 135

For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next

Result: 11:52

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.19.2010

Name: Angie Broken

Description: 100 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats

For Time. Ten rounds of ten reps.

Result: 14:57

Note: Lap 1: 00:59
Lap 2: 00:58
Lap 3: 01:05
Lap 4: 01:28
Lap 5: 01:31
Lap 6: 01:40
Lap 7: 01:38
Lap 8: 01:42
Lap 9: 02:07
Lap 10: 01:50
Lap 11: 01:13

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Crossfit WOD: 11.19.2010

Name: DT - Lite

Description: 135 lbs Deadlift x 12 reps, 135 lbs Hang Power Clean x 9 reps, 135 lbs Push Jerk x 6 reps

For warm-up

Result: Complete

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.15.2010

Name: A-pressing Monday

Description: Thruster 95 lbs x 10, Pull-ups x 15, Sit-ups x 20

As many rounds as possible in 20 min

Result: 6 rnds + 5 pull-ups

Note: First WOD in new box

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.9.2010

Name: EPP - 9 Nov

Description: 30 # Dumbbell Thruster x 20, 25m run, 20 Leg Lift, 25m run

As many rounds as possible in 15 min

Result: 6 rnds + 11 thrusters

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 11.9.2010

Name: Run

Description: Go for a run!

Testing injured ankle

Result: 38 min

Note: 4.4 miles

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.8.2010

Name: EPP - 8 Nov

Description: Burpee Tuck-Jumps
75 reps, 2 for 1 push-ups

Result: 9:22

MK - sent from Droid

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.6.2010

Name: Long's Park - Tribal Park Walk

Description: KB Swing x 15, Farmer's Walk, Sit-up AMRAP, Lunge Walk x 20 steps
Team WOD, 80 # sandbag, 1.5 pood KB

Result: 6 rounds + 10 lunge steps

MK - sent from Droid

Friday, November 5, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.5.2010

Name: EPP - 5 Min WOD - 5 Nov

Description: Push-up, Sit-up, Pull-up, Squat

As many reps as possible in 5 mins, rest 2 mins, go to next movement

Result: 473 reps

Note: Push-ups - 93; V-ups/Sit-ups - 50/45; Pull-ups - 65; Squats - 240

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.3.2010

Name: EPP - 3 Nov

Description: 100 yard Farmer's Walk, 50 yard Man-maker w/o row, 50 yard Burpee Broad Jump

For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next

Result: 08:41

Note: Lap 1: 07:49
Lap 2: 00:41
Lap 3: 00:11
Lap 4: 00:01

35# kettlebells

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.2.2010

Name: EPP - 2 Nov

Description: Box Jump, Pike Push-up
50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time

Result: 09:58

Note: Lap 1: 08:29
Lap 4: 01:29

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 11.1.2010

Name: East Pete Park - 1 Nov, Tag-team

Description: Push-ups, Sit-ups, Sidejumps, Overhead Squats, Deadlift
2 rounds for time

Result: 17:35

Note: Push-ups x 20 reps, all others AMRAP;

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.29.2010

Name: Final Quest

Description: 5 Pull-ups/5 Box jumps; 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls/10 Thrusters; 15 Wall-balls/15 Burpees
AMRAP 7 Min each couplet, 1 min rest between rounds

Result: 12, 3+10, 3+5

Note: 24/20" Box, 95/65# SDHP/THRUSTER, 20/15# Wallball

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.28.2010

Name: Nancy
Description: 400 meter Run, Overhead Squat 95 lbs x 15 reps
5 rounds for time
Result: 14:32
Note: As rx'd.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.26.2010

Name: Row & Complex
Description: 2k row; AMRAP complex x 3; 1k row
For time

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.25.2010

Name: Main Site 10-24

Description: 225 pound Deadlift
95 pound Overhead squat - MOD
21-15-9 reps, for time

Result: 12:59

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.23.2010

Name: Eva

Description: Run 800 meters, 2 pood Kettlebell Swing x 30 reps, 30 Pull-ups
5 rounds for time

Result: 53:23


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Friday, October 22, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.22.2010

Name: Crossfit Total

Description: Squat x 1 rep, Shoulder Press x 1 rep, Deadlift x 1 rep
Total 1 rep max for all lifts

Result: 840 pounds

Note: BS 310; DL 375; SP 155

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.21.2010

Name: Airforce WOD @ CF Brio

Description: Thruster, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Push Jerk, Overhead Squat, Front Squat
20 reps each @ 95 #, Four burpees at the top of each minute

Result: 14:58

Note: As rx'd, at affiliate in Saskatoon SK Canada

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.20.2010

Name: Prince Albert Hotel WOD 2
Description: 100 push-ups, 50 V-ups
Not for time. Full ROMResult: Completed

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.19.2010

Name: Prince Albert Hotel WOD
Description: Squat, Handstand Push-ups, Sit-up
21-15-9 repsResult: Completed

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.17.2010

Name: B-day Treat
Description: Double-unders; Burpees; Run
AMRAP 10:20 each movement = 31 minutesResult: 31:15 mins
Note: 200 DU's; 123 Burpees; 1.56 miles

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.13.2010

Name: Sask Hotel WOD 2
Description: Farmer's carry 4 flights of stairs - 25# dumbbell, Man-maker w/press x 10
5 rounds for timeResult: 19:15
Note: Lap 1: 02:56
Lap 2: 03:52
Lap 3: 04:22
Lap 4: 04:23
Lap 5: 03:41

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.12.2010

Name: Saskatoon Hotel WOD
Description: Chair Dip x 20, Squat x 20, Push-up x 15, 4-ct Flutter Kick x 15
As many rounds as possible in 12 minResult: 5 rnds
Note: 5 rounds plus dips and 5 push-ups; finish with 50 Hollow Rocks

MK - sent from Droid

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.7.2010

Name: Seven @ Ten
Description: Pistol R Leg x 10, Pistol L Leg x 10, Chin-up Underhand Grip x 10, Side Jumps over pail 2 for 1 x 10, Push-up x 10, 5m Bear Crawl x 10, Knees-to-Elbows x 10
5 rounds for timeResult: 23:43
Note: Lap 1: 03:42
Lap 2: 04:53
Lap 3: 05:22
Lap 4: 05:10
Lap 5: 04:38

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.5.2010

Name: Seven's at Seven
Description: Sit-ups x 7, Pull-ups x 7, Jump Lunge x 7 (each leg), Handstand Push-ups x 7, Squat x 7, Ring Push-up x 7, Burpees x 7
As many rounds as possible in 7 minResult: 3 rnds

MK - sent from Droid

Monday, October 4, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.4.2010

Name: Severin
Description: 50 Strict Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups release hands from the floor, Run 5k
For time. If you have a 20lb vest or body armor, wear it.Result: 36:42
Note: Lap 1: 04:57; 50 strict pull-ups
Lap 2: 06:55; 100 push-ups
Lap 3: 24:49; 3.12 miles
Yuck. This did not go so well. Took a week off to heal my knee and ankle. They're still in bad shape. No more runs over 800m for October... The pull-ups were done on a 2 inch diameter bar that made up the swing-set here in Rochester Indiana city park.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 10.3.2010

Name: Walkabout
Description: Walk briskly!
For DistanceResult: 4.15 miles
Note: Rec bike path outside Rochester Indiana

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.25.2010

Name: QCCF - Sat Team WOD

Description: Tire Flip w/2 in & outs x 25, Push Press @ 65# x 100, 400m Run w/1.5 pood KB, Burpee Box-jump x 40, 2 for 1 Wallball at 20# x 50

For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next. 2 team members can do an exercise at the same time. Rep counts are total for all teammates combined.

Result: 11:35

Note: The picture is fun. Click to zoom in. That's a two-finger pull-up! Yup, using only one finger on each hand complete a pull-up. Give it a try! :-)

MK - sent from Droid

Friday, September 24, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.24.2010

Name: QCCF - Rich's Challenge

Description: 5 Knees-to-Elbows, 10 Pull-ups, 15 Air Squats

15 minute countdown - Run 1 mile then AMRAP, count total reps

Result: 216 reps

Note: 6:35 mile. Lost track of rounds. 7 for sure, possibly 8. Plus KTE and 1 pull-up.

Done at noon with Rich from my contracting company. He's been CrossFitting for 4 weeks, loves it, and when he heard I am a coach he challenged me to join him for a WOD. He did really well and I was proud to workout with him.

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Crossfit WOD: 9.23.2010

Name: 3 Ladders

Description: Push-up x 2; Box Jump @ 36"; Sit-up x 3

Ladder - rep on the minute to fail, rest one minute then start ladder again with next movement. Score total rungs completed.

Result: 9+16+11= 36 rungs

Note: First minute do one rep then rest, second minute do two reps then rest, and so on... Do only first movement till failure before moving on.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.21.2010

Name: Grace
Description: Clean and Jerk 135 lbs
30 reps for time
Result: 6:38

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Crossfit WOD: 9.21.2010

Name: Burpees
Description: Burpee
30 reps for time
Result: 1:30

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Crossfit WOD: 9.21.2010

Name: 1RM Jerk
Description: Jerk
Result: 185 #
Note: At QCCF, Form is weak. Got it up but did not feel solid.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.20.2010

Name: QCCF - Monday Morning Tabata
Description: Burpee Pull-up, Hang Power Clean, Wall Ball; Finish with 800m run
Tabata timing. 30 seconds rest between movement change. FGB scoring. Subtract total reps from total secs to finish run.
Result: 37+50+65 : 152-200 :: 48
Note: Should have pushed the run harder. Could have got in a couple more HPC and wall balls but cheated myself for a couple extra rest seconds. Burpee position was tough to hit quickly - toe continues to be sore...

Thought I did well and still had got beat down hard by a couple of their 545 am guys. Got to keep pushing!

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.17.2010

Name: QCCF - Fight Gone Bad
Description: 20 lbs Wall-ball shots (reps), 75 lbs Sumo Deadlift High-pulls (reps), 20" Box Jump (reps), 75 lbs Push-press (reps), Row (calories)
5 rounds of 5 exercise set, 1 min per exercise with no rest inbetween, 1 min rest between sets
Result: 320
Note: Subbed step ups due to bum knee and broken toe. Excited to work with the Quad Cities CF crew again!

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Crossfit WOD: 9.17.2010

Name: CF Valley Park - Clean Practice
Description: Clean 75 pounds
Technique work
Result: Completed
Note: Great coaching from Brandon. Slightly frustrating... I thought I had a good clean till today!

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.15.2010

Name: Squat x 1
Description: Back Squat 1-1-1 / Front Squat 5-5-5-5 @ 135#
Result: Completed
Note: 85%, 90%, 95% / 260, 275, 285 #

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.14.2010

Name: Barbara
Description: 20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups, 50 Squats
5 rounds for time
Result: 34:15
Note: Lap 1: 03:21
Lap 2: 03:00
Lap 3: 03:06
Lap 4: 03:00
Lap 5: 04:30
Lap 6: 03:00
Lap 7: 04:11
Lap 8: 03:00
Lap 9: 04:17
Lap 10: 03:00

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.13.2010

Name: Up the Pyramid
Description: Squat, Pushups, Squat, Ring Pull-ups
10-20-30 Reps for time.Result: 12:25
Note: Park - Charleston, MO
Plus 8 burpee/muscle-up

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.12.2010

Description: x 00, x 00
1 Rounds for time.Result: Completed
Note: Fast and Rest for 24 hours. Some juice is okay.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.11.2010

Name: CFC Sat Team WOD
Description: Push-ups, Box Jump, Ground to Overhead, Kettlebell Swing, Run 220m
30-20-10 rep rounds for timeResult: Completed
Note: 65# barbell, 1.5 pops KB

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.9.2010

Name: Bear Complex
Description: Complex: clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press
5 rounds of 7 complex reps, rest as needed - do not release loadResult: Completed
Note: 75, 95, 105, 115, 135#

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.8.2010

Name: Jump, Pull, and Swing
Description: 10 Box Jump, 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift, 10 Toes to Bar
5 rounds for timeResult: 6:56
Note: 24" box, 185# DL

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Monday, September 6, 2010


I must not have looked at my feet since finishing last night. When I saw this it started to make sense. Pictures do zero justice. Believe me, it's ugly!

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Labor Pain 12 Hr Endurance Trail Run

On Sunday, 5 September, I took part in the Pretzel City Sports "Labor Pain" 12 hour Endurance Trail Run. The event took place at the Liederkranz German Singing and Sports Club on Spook Lane. The course consisted of a 5 mile loop on Reading Mountain.

The basic premise of this race is to run/walk/hobble/crawl as far as you can in 12 hours. Individuals and relay teams competed.

Before we get to my experience - let me say that this was a first class affair. Especially for the inaugural event. It was superbly set up. Ron at PCS did his homework and brought forth a really great event. The five mile loop was a perfect distance. It allowed the runners to get back to their rest area and supporters, on average, every hour. The course layout was really good as well. It was just challenging enough for the first 2 miles with some technical trail, a couple hill-climbs, and open space that you were engaged within minutes of starting each lap. The third mile was a solid transition from this challenge to the recovery section that consisted of the last two miles. A step stool was thoughtfully placed to get over the guardrail just below the finish line and a boulder field made it a true Pretzel City Sports event. Coming into the transition area you were greeted by music, cheers from participants and supporters, all the food you could eat, and smiles from every staff member. The mid-course gee-dunk stop at 2.6 miles was a veritable oasis at times and served to keep spirits up and cramps/dehydration away. During the entire event, the participants that I spoke with never had a single word negative regarding the event - everybody appeared to think it wonderfully put together.

On to the meat of the matter...

In eleven hours and fifty-five minutes, I completed 50 miles. Cool.

Starting out, I was feeling great! Came in and picked up my number with 8 minutes to go. Ron could not believe that I was "just getting here?" Yes Ron - I've got 12 hours to run... So 2 minutes and 4 seconds after everyone else got started I finally crossed the start line. Ticking off the miles at an average pace of 9:30 to 10 minutes (which is pretty quick for ultra trail running, apparently) I caught up and started passing the main body of runners within a couple miles.

There were times where we were on really nice single-track trail that forced me into line. Biding time until I could find a spot to pass this accomplished the crucial task of forcing me to slow down and letting my heart rate recover.

Cranking out the first loop served a nice warm-up. Taking only a minute or two at transition I moved into lap two. About half-way through the lap, I realized that my very forward running style (mostly on the balls of my feet) was starting to cause some hot spots, soft areas, and possibly blisters inside the extremely light and not-very cushioned Nike XC racing flats that I was wearing. Making adjustments mid-stride to how my foot was positioned inside the shoe as well as sitting back further for a more true mid-foot strike helped the shoe mold to my foot and cease the rubbing. Anytime I kicked a rock or root the shoe would jolt and it would take a hundred yards or so for everything to re-adjust and the burning to stop. Lap two finished quickly as I passed many more of the runners and started to lead my own sections of trail.

The third loop was mostly uneventful. Again, a nice steady, quick pace provided me with more time in the bank for later in the race where I knew that I would be slowing down and need that time. Early in the lap (mile 1.96 - I know this because it was just below the hill-crawl where the mile 2 marker was posted) I came around a very tight set of switchbacks on the waterway bottom and caught some kind of debris - a small tree-fall by the looks of the damage it did to my foot. My left foot hit this with some force causing a puncture wound the width of a pen in the side of the joint of my big toe. I didn't know the extent of damage at the time and surprisingly I was able to continue on without much pain. I finished out lap three just like the others - in about 50 minutes.

Loops four and five I started to learn to pick up my darn feet. After kicking debris and almost falling a dozen or more times it was about darn time. I got caught up with two very solid runners who kept me paced through the laps without giving too much thought to what we were doing. It always gives me pause to think how in every long event that I do how people come together on the trail and have easy conversation for many miles. It's really fun to experience.

Towards the middle of lap five I remember feeling my hip flexors getting "heavy." They had been working hard for over twenty miles at this point and the strain was getting to them. As CrossFitters we use these muscles explosively for all the Olympic Lifts as well as many of our hybrid movements. Mine are strong - but certainly not used to the repetitiveness of an 80 cadence for this many miles. Finishing lap 5 - I took a short break to change socks and decided to switch shoes as well to the more cushioned Mizuno's that I ran in so much last year.

Removing my right sock I was happy to see that the foot looked great! No swelling or blisters to note. My left foot was a different story...the tree-fall left its' mark and the whole toe was black, blue and purple. Thankfully, there were no blisters, all my toenails were still attached, and there was no other damage. Off to lap six!

Lap six brought me to the marathon distance. Twenty-six miles 280 yards in four hours and forty-one minutes. Smile.

It also brought on some additional pains in the knee area. Nothing much though between that and the hip flexors I was slowing down.

Lap seven came and 50 kilometers (my very own birthday run this year) saw my clock at five hours and fifty minutes. I really needed to stop and slow down for a bit but determined I pressed on to the 33 mile mark to celebrate Erika's recent birthday in six hours and nineteen minutes. As you can see, with the early miles starting to take almost 20 minutes per - the trip was taking its toll on me.

Finishing out lap seven I grabbed some food - my first protein of the race, a burger - and headed out for another. At this point, I knew that 100k was out of the question. With 5 hours and 20 minutes to go in the race - fifty miles looked like a certainty. I decided to walk the bigger hills - shuffle the smaller ones - and run hard through the flats and downhills. On this lap, a young man of 47 from Maryland ran with me. He had paced his friend through six very hard and very fast initial laps. He decided an easy last lap would cap a nice 40 mile day so we spent a lot of time chatting as we jogged easy through the flats and walked the hills. My legs were lead and my left knee started to bug me by the end. Had I known the way the next two laps were going to go I would have stopped there. Maybe.

On lap nine, I made it about one-half of a mile before I was forced to walk. Every now and again, on a flat smooth section of the trail, I would attempt to put some hitch in my giddy-up to no avail. My ankles were locked into a flat footed position, my knees would only bend about 15 degrees and I had to violently swing my hips to shuffle my legs forward at all. I probably looked like a funky shuffling person with two legs in full cast. With all my will I tried. Biting my lip and putting every ounce of energy into it I tried. No go. Humbled, I decided that this was now for pride and I walked. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. I walked. And walked. For three fifths of the lap, I walked with Jerry from Maryland who at 78 years old walked seven full laps of this race. I was proud to finish his seventh lap with him.

Convinced that there was no pride in stopping at 45 miles with two hours and 20 minutes left I shuffled out of transition ready to take on my final centimeter of full dilation.

Another young man - feeling slightly better than I - came alongside and joined me for the final brutal lap. I was feeling okay for a bit - through mile one and almost two. Coming down the waterway into where I met the tree in lap three I realized that I was completely shot. I could put no real pressure on my left leg as my knee was inflamed and in deep pain. I could only do so much with my right as the ankle was in a locked position and pain shot through the top of my foot arch. Mike went on and I stumbled up the hill-crawl and through the mine-field at the mile two marker.

It was at this point that I turned into a peg-legged pirate with a non-functioning hip. Thinking I had enough time I slowly dragged my left leg through the forest. My mile times fell close to thirty minutes per and I felt every inch of it.

Coming to the 2.6 mile rest-stop for the last time I had the opportunity to thank Greg for all the help and support. He is one of the local Pagoda Pacers who routinely runs ultra's in his late 40's completing prestigious events such as the MMT 100 miler in terriffic times.

Shuffling away from the moment of rest I started to notice that all the time I thought I had was very quickly slipping away and if I didn't speed up and get these last two and a half miles done in, what was at this point, record time - that I wouldn't finish within the allotted time!

So I pushed - okay, drug - as quickly as I could. Careful not to trip, fall, or otherwise maim my already battered body. Runner after runner passed on their way to 50, 60, 65, and 70 miles. Each and every one taking a moment to ensure that I was okay. Yes, I'm okay. Stupid. But I'll make it. Run fast! You're kicking ass!

Let me take a second to pause here to tell you how extremely happy you become for the accomplishments of others when the clock is counting down and you've had the opportunity to experience the joy, pain, camaraderie, and elation that comes with such an event.

Crawling over the guard-rail for the last time - in the dark, with a coolness descending over the mountain, shirt-less with 9 hash-marks boldly emblazoned upon my chest - a good Samaritan blocked the road with their SUV while another in the car behind cheered me across the twenty foot of macadam that took a solid thirty seconds to accomplish. This was it. One last climb up the hundred feet of boulder field. There was no way I could drag my leg up this and keep my balance. So, I shifted front and from somewhere deep within gears turned and my left knee bent just enough to get underneath. Gritting teeth and sucking wind, one foot fell in front of the other. Mere inches. Ten minutes to go. Up and up. There, one last step and back on the trail. One large log in the way. Sneak your foot through the opening - it'll slide on the dirt. There it is. Okay - let's go. One hundred feet left.

Coming out of the trees I was met by a group of runners who had recognized me. Great job! You're almost there! Six minutes left! 50 miles? Wow. Awesome work!

The grass felt nice. Soft. My foot slid over it well. Coming into the finish the clock churning away. And there was Ron and his crew. Number 59. Done. How many laps? 10? Key the mic - Mike Kizis from Ephrata - 50 miles! Don't believe it? Check the hash-marks on his chest!

Cheering. Laughter. Congrats all around. Smiles.

Thanks, everyone. Mind if I sleep here tonight?

Post Script: (Wow, I look drugged!) That was it. I got to watch as a few runners blazed their way back- finishing 100k is just under the 12 hour mark. The celebration continued. Winners were awarded. Several took home awards of 70 miles. The winner - 72.6 miles total. That was just awesome.

I ate. Shared a few laughs and patted many backs. There were not that many of us left. Over half of the starters called it quits after the 50k. We were a select group and that felt good.

After a solid hour's rest, I hobbled over to the Jeep for the inevitable drive home. Getting out of town and home was interesting to say the least - mostly using my right leg to work the clutch as it was so painful to use the left. I slid out of the driver seat and shuffled inside. A hot shower to wash off the dirt and it was off to bed. Two Advil PM to knock down some of the inflammation and help me sleep through. There was no comfortable position that did not put pressure on my right foot or left knee. But that did not matter for long - I don't remember much else.

Eight solid hours later I awoke to the sun shining through my window. Surprisingly, I was practically out of bed before I realized that I should be taking it a bit slower! A few test steps and some leg bends I found myself relatively intact and functioning. It'll be a few days before I'm back up to moving without pain for sure. However, the recovery may not be as bad as I feared.

The level to which humans will push themselves in the pursuit of - whatever this was - is obviously boundless. Why I left the beach to participate I will never know. But I am happy that I did and can now claim a true 50 mile day, on my feet alone. Don't expect to hear much of it though - I am proud, but there is something to be said for humility.

Next time, know that I'd definitely choose to follow the CrossFit Endurance prescription for at least 2 - 3 months prior. Not just CF alone - it was just too much.

Thanks again to all my family and friends for the support through the day from afar and to all the other participants and race volunteers for the support at the event. It was a truly magnificent experience.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.5.2010

Name: Labor Pain
Description: Run
12 hours for distanceResult: 50 miles
Note: See race report

MK - sent from Droid

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.4.2010

Name: Beach Run
Description: Run 5k w/50 squats at turn around
Not for timeResult: Completed
Note: On beach in Lavallete

MK - sent from Droid

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 9.1.2010

Name: Toe's Up
Description: 10 Toes to Bar, 10 Wall Ball
5 rounds for timeResult: 6:07
Note: 15# ball, 12 foot Target

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 9.1.2010

Name: Shoulder Press
Description: Shoulder Press 5-5-5+
For weight & repsResult: Completed
Note: 65# x 5, 85# x 5, 105# x 10

MK - sent from Droid

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.31.2010

Name: Helen
Description: 400 meter Run, 1.5 pood Kettlebell Swing x 21 reps, Pull-ups x 12 reps
3 rounds for timeResult: 10:01
Note: Unable to link pull-ups today. KB swings felt sluggish. Forced to slow last 200 by 2.5 mph. Overall a poor performance. :-(

MK - sent from Droid

Monday, August 30, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.30.2010

Name: Clean & Push
Description: 5 Squat Cleans 115#, 10 Push-ups - toes on 24" box
4 rounds for timeResult: 2:50
Note: Strength: Back Squat 5 by 225, 245, 265

MK - sent from Droid

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.29.2010

Name: Sweep Run
Description: Run 3.2 miles
Collect all directional signs along the way Result: Completed
Note: Sweep of tri course. Sprint between each set of signs.

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 8.29.2010

Result: Completed
Note: Fast and Rest for 24 hours. Some juice is okay.

MK - sent from Droid

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.24.2010

Name: Main Site 8-24
Description: Tie a five-pound plate to hang an honest 18" above your tiptoe reach and complete 5 rounds for time of:
50 Jump and touch
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
10 Pull-ups

Kristan Clever 24:13 (14" jump), Lucas Zepeda 24:34, Jesse Bazarnick 26:25, Pat Barber 28:56, Rebecca Voigt 32:53 (14" jump), Laurie Galassi 35:47. Post time to comments.

5 rounds for timeResult: 27:02
Note: Lap 1: 04:07
Lap 2: 05:39
Lap 3: 06:21
Lap 4: 05:28
Lap 5: 05:29

MK - sent from Droid

Monday, August 23, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.23.2010

Name: Lunge Lap
Description: 400 meter Walking Lunge
For time, Count steps
Result: 18:08
Note: Lost count around 375 as Aaron walked up and started to give it a go and we got to talking... Estimate 425 steps.

MK - sent from Droid

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.22.2010

Name: 24 hour Fast
Description: Fast and rest
Fast and rest for 24 hours. Some juice is okay.
Result: Completed
Note: Not as bad as I thought!

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 8.21.2010

Name: Walkabout
Description: Long slow walk
Walk around town of Enid

Result: Completed
Note: 5 hours, 15 pound pack

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 8.20.2010

Name: Enid, OK - Stadium Run
Description: Interval Stair Climb - 52 Steps
3 tabata rounds of 4 intervals: 150/75, 120/60, 60/30

Result: 5, 4, 2
Note: Averaged 1 set of climbs for each 30 seconds of work; 97 degrees, 40% humidity

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 8.19.2010

Name: Enid 2
Description: 10 Box Jump, 10 Sit-up, 25y Sandbag run, 20 Push-up, 20 Sandbag Squat, 25y sandbag run
As many rounds as possible in 20 min
Result: 8 rounds

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 8.17.2010

Name: Enid 1
Description: Sit-ups x 30, Run x 30m, Burpees x 10, Handstand Walk x 10m
5 Rounds for time.
Result: 17:00

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 8.16.2010

Name: Lunges Plus
Description: Walking Lunges x 50 steps, Squat x 50 reps, Run 400m
Four Rounds for Time
Result: 17:10
Note: Lap 1: 04:00
Lap 2: 04:22
Lap 3: 04:24
Lap 4: 04:24

MK - sent from Droid

Crossfit WOD: 8.15.2010

Name: Run w/squats
Description: Run, 20 squats every 2 songs
Result: 2 hours
Note: Run around Grand Island, NE

MK - sent from Droid

Friday, August 13, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.13.2010

Name: Daniel
Description: 50 Pull-ups, 400 meter Run, 95 lbs Thruster x 21 reps, 800 meter Run, 95 lbs Thruster x 21 reps, 400 meter Run, 50 Pull-ups
For time

Result: 19:51
Note: At AA in Billings.

MK - sent from Droid

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.10.2010

Name: Pull-ups & Dips
Description: Pull-ups, Dips
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time.
Result: 27:45
Note: On school playground in Conrad, MT. Pull-up bar too low to link. Not real motivated this am. Took a lot of mental fortitude to finish WOD.

MK - sent from Droid

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.8.2010

Name: Glacier NP Run
Description: Trail Run
Not for time
Result: Completed
Note: Piegan Pass and Siyeth trails, approximately 7 miles. Awesome views, multiple wildlife encounters. Half done barefoot.

MK - sent from Droid

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.7.2010

Name: AA- Sat Swingers
Description: 75 # Push Press, 1.5 pood KB swing
Result: 156
Note: 156 total reps, Low: 8 pp, 7 kbs

MK - sent from Droid

Friday, August 6, 2010

Crossfit WOD: 8.6.2010

Name: CFB 8-6
Description: 10 Pull-ups, 10 Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 Burpees
As many rounds as possible in 20 min
Result: 7 rnds
Note: Scaled to 75#

Crossfit WOD: 8.4.2010

Name: CFB 8-4
Description: 30 Walking Lunge w/45# Overhead, 15 Ring Dip
As many rounds as possible in 10 min
Result: 5 rnds
Note: Extremely tight and sore lumbar. Coach Yurii recommends full day of rest tomorrow.

Crossfit WOD: 8.3.2010

Name: CFB 8-3
Description: 2 Turkish Get-ups 1.5 pood, 4 Handstand Push-ups, 6 Box Jumps 36"
6 rounds for time
Result: 28:48
Note: At affiliate CrossFit Billings

Crossfit WOD: 8.3.2010

Name: AA 8-3
Description: Ground to Overhead 95#, Sit-up
25/50 - 20/40 - 15/30 - 10/20 - 5/10 reps for time
Result: 12:58

Crossfit WOD: 8.2.2010

Name: Roy
Description: 225 lbs Deadlift x 15, 24" Box Jumps x 20, Pull-ups x 25
5 Rounds for time.
Result: 27:28
Note: At Alternative Athletics, Billings, MT

Crossfit WOD: 7.31.2010

Name: Saturday Shuffle
Description: Squat, 10m Run, Push-up, 10m Run, Sit-up
1 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 1 reps, 3 rounds for time on 30 sec rest
Result: 4:06

Crossfit WOD: 7.30.2010

Name: Recovery 3
Description: 3 x 10 Bottom to Bottom Squats then:
Barbell Jump Squats, Pull-up, 4 ct Flutter Kick
7 rounds of 7 reps, NOT for time
Result: Completed

Crossfit WOD: 7.29.2010

Name: Elizabeth
Description: Clean 135 lbs, Ring Dips
21-15-9 reps, for time
Result: 8:55
Note: As rx'd

Crossfit WOD: 7.27.2010

Name: Nancy
Description: 400 meter Run, Overhead Squat 95 lbs x 15 reps
5 rounds for time
Result: 13:33
Note: Scaled to 75#

Crossfit WOD: 7.26.2010

Name: Bday Scheme
Description: Clean, Pull-up, Sprint
Push Jerk, Sit-up, Row
Back Squat, Push-up, Sprint
Snatch, Squat, Row
Deadlift, Box Dip, Sprint
OH Squat, Box Jump, Row
15 Rep / 30 Rep / 30 secs
Result: 23:00
Note: 95, 95, 135, 65, 185, 65 #

Crossfit WOD: 7.25.2010

Name: Games WOD 2
Description: Clean 3 Reps, HSPU 4 Reps
7 rounds for time
Result: 10:00
Note: Clean scaled to 155#, HSPU on plates

Crossfit WOD: 7.22.2010

Name: Bugg'sy
Description: Man-maker 25#, Sit-up, 500m Row
21-15-9 reps, for time
Result: 14:16
Note: England Hotel WOD

Crossfit WOD: 7.21.2010

Name: England Hotel WOD
Description: 100 DB Thrusters 25# w/5 Burpees on 5 min
For time. Finish with 500 m row
Result: 15:00
Note: 13 mins w/ 2 rounds Burpees

Crossfit WOD: 7.18.2010

Name: Shuttle - SJ & P
Description: Shuttle run 10/25, Squat Jump, Push-up
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 reps for time
Result: 06:25

Crossfit WOD: 7.16.2010

Name: Angie
Description: 100 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats
For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next
Result: 16:58

Crossfit WOD: 7.14.2010

Name: Anti-pushing Daisies
Description: Shoulder Press 3 x 3; Push Press 3 x 3; Push Jerk 1 x 3
Not for time. 90 sec rest interval
Result: Completed
Note: SP: 135, 120, 125
PP: 130, 135, 140
PJ: 145, 155, 165

Crossfit WOD: 7.13.2010

Name: Fran
Description: Thruster 95 lbs, Pull-ups
21-15-9 reps, for time
Result: 6:40 pr

Crossfit WOD: 7.12.2010

Name: Hippie Power
Description: Clean, 2 Front Squat, Push Jerk - 5 reps
Front Squat (85% x 3) (90% x 3) (95% x 3)
Good Mornings - 3 rounds x 8 reps
Not for time. 90 secs rest interval
Result: Completed
Note: First interval: 115, 145, 165, 165, 145
Second Interval: 155, 165, 175
Third Interval: 115

Crossfit WOD: 7.10.2010

Name: One by, Two by...
Description: 1 Muscle-up w/5 L-sit, 5 Burpee Box Jump, 10 DU
Multiply reps by round number. Go to failure on movement, continue with others. Complete one additional round with final movement.
Result: 2 rounds MU, 4 rounds others.

Crossfit WOD: 7.9.2010

Name: Cindy
Description: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats
As many rounds as possible in 20 min
Result: 22 rounds
Note: First time ever that I got the kipping pull-up chained together

Crossfit WOD: 7.8.2010

Name: Run
Description: Run 6.5 miles
For time
Result: 53 mins
Note: From home through Akron to cycle shop. 97 degrees w/high humidity

Crossfit WOD: 7.7.2010

Name: DL's
Description: Deadlift - 7 rounds
5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1
Result: 365# pr
Note: 225, 255, 275, 305, 325, 345 pr, 365 pr, 375 fail

Crossfit WOD: 7.6.2010

Name: Nicole
Description: Run 400 meters, Max rep Pull-ups
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
Result: 6 rounds
Note: 19, 10, 12, 15, 10, 7 pull-ups

Crossfit WOD: 7.4.2010

Name: Lava 7-4
Description: 25 Walking Lunge, 25 Push-ups, 25 V Sit-ups, 25 Squats
4 rounds for time
Result: completed
Note: On beach.

Crossfit WOD: 7.3.2010

Name: Lava 7-3
Description: Push-ups, Knees to Chest, Bench Push-up, Bench Dip
50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time w/75m sprint between each exercise
Result: completed
Note: On boardwalk at beach

Friday, July 2, 2010

2 July

Name: Run
Description: Run  5 miles
For time
Result: 38:20
Note: Random run around Akron, PA. Too nice of a day not to take advantage of the wash going round!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

30 June

Name: SJ + D _ LL
Description: 25 Squat Jump, 20 Tricep Dip; finish w/70 Leg Lifts
5 rounds for time
Result: 09:21
Note: Lap 1: 06:48
Lap 2: 02:32 - leg lifts

29 June

Name: Our Mile
Description: 30 walking lunge, 20 push-up, 400 meter run;
30 sit-up, 20 pull-up, 400 meter run;
30 squat, 20 knees to elbows, 400 meter run;
30 push-up, 20 box jump, 400 meter run
For time
Result: 13:49

28 June

Name: Run & Push
Description: Run 5 minutes, 5 ea 1-arm push-up, 10 clapping push-up, 15 regular push-up; Run 3 minutes, repeat push-ups; Run 2 minutes, repeat push-ups
For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next
Result: 16:09
Note: On Coyote Wash golf course

27 June

Name: BW Legs!
Description: 50 Burpees, 100 Mountain Climbers, 200 Squats
For Time. Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next
Result: 13:08
Note: Wellton AZ park - 105 degrees F

26 June

Name: Run, s & p
Description: 800 meter run, 40 sit-ups, 25 push-ups
4 rounds for time
Result: 23:34

24 June

Name: Death by 10 Meters
Description: 10 meter shuttle run - add one shuttle each minute on the minute
As many rounds as possible, with continous running clock
Result: 15 rounds

23 June

Name: BW L,D, JS
Description: Walking lunge, Tricep dip, Jump Squat
50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time
Result: 21:39

22 June

Name: 5 mins
Description: Run, Flutter Kicks, Air Squats, Push-ups
AMRAP 5 mins each exercise
Result: 146, 194, 80 reps

20 June

Name: Annie
Description: Double-unders, Sit-ups
50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time
Result: 10:47
Note: Picked by Erika. Great choice!

19 June

Name: Run
Description: Run 4 miles
For Time.
Result: 28:00
Note: Random run around town of Winslow AZ. 108 degrees  F. 5000 feet above  sea level.

18 June

Name: PFC
Description: 200 m run; Wall Ball, Pull-ups, KB Swing 1.5, Burpee
21-15-9 reps, for time - Start and finish with run
Result: 14:13
Note: At Project Fitness Crossfit - Garden City KS

16 June

Name: QCCF
Description: Run 400 meters,10 Box Jumps (24" box), 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups - score total reps
3 rounds for time - 2 min rest between rounds
Result: 153, 152, 154 reps
Note: At affiliate Quad Cities CrossFit

15 June

Name: Nate's 30th
Description: 30 Med Ball Clean (20#), 30 Push-ups
AMRAP - 20 minutes
Result: 5 Rounds
Note: At affiliate Rogue Fitness CrossFit Toledo

14 June

Name: JB-B
Description: 20 Jumping Burpees on 20" box, 20 Standard Burpees
3 rounds for time
Result: 11:35
Note: Hotel WOD

12 June

Name: Timed Cindy
Description: 15 rounds for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
As Rx'd
Result: 15:01

11 June

Name: Helen
Description: 400 meter Run, 1.5 pood Kettlebell Swing x 21 reps, Pull-ups x 12 reps
3 rounds for time
Result: 9:33
Note: Second Attempt as rx'd - (13:22 on 4/13)

10 June

Name: Mean Jumping Bean
Description: Mean Jumping Bean
Max Double Unders or singles in 60 sec
50 Jumping Lunges (each leg is ½)
50 Sit-ups
Max Double Unders or singles in 60 seco 40 Jumping Air Squats
40 Sit-ups
Max Double Unders or singles in 60 seco 30 Jumping Lunges (each leg is ½)
30 Sit-ups
Max Double Unders or singles in 60 seco 20 Jumping Air Squats
20 Sit-ups
Max Double Unders or singles in 60 seco 10 Jumping lunges (each leg is ½)
10 Sit-ups
Result: 19:28

Monday, May 17, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-Seven

Good Morning, Athletes!

Hope you had a solid weekend. With perfect weather, amazing company (thanks, SP!), and a stellar WOD this last weekend was one for the books. Memories abound and new ones beckon.

Let's get started...

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up: 3 x 10
- 3 Rounds for time
> Hang Power Clean, 12 Reps, 25/15# DB
> 12 Burpees
* Cool-down, Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter water

Remember: A Hang Power Clean starts with the bar/dumbbell at the knees. You will thrust hard pushing the hips through drawing the weight up. The "power" means that you will receive the weight as high as possible - meaning that you will catch it in any position other than a full squat or full stand. Then finish the movement by standing tall. Re-watch the videos a few times, and practice the movement slowly before attacking the WOD. Your partner is responsible for ensuring you are doing the movement consistently.

Post time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Saturday, May 15, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-six

Good Morning, Athletes!

This week, these posts will be short and sweet. Not too much additional information to take away from your work.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 3 x 10

- 4 Rounds for Load and Time
> Back Squat, 3 Reps
> Bench Dips, 10 Reps
To do the back squat, use dumbbells or plates and put them in a bag that you can hold across your shoulders or strap on your back. If you have access to a bar and plates, obviously use that instead.

* Cool-down, Roller/Yoga/Stretch + 1 Liter Water

Post Time and Loads to Comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-Five

Good Morning, Athletes!

This week, these posts will be short and sweet. Not too much additional information to take away from your work.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 3 x 10

- With a continuously running clock:
> Clean One Rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes
These are dumbbell cleans. You did the DB split clean last week. This is the same movement without the split. Use the same weight that you did for last week's workout.

* Cool-down, Roller/Yoga/Stretch + 1 Liter Water

Post thoughts and loads to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-four

Good Morning, Athletes!

This week, these posts will be short and sweet. Not too much additional information to take away from your work.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 3 x 10

- 3 Rounds for Time
> Walking Lunge, 50 feet
> Squats, 20 reps
> Back Extension, 10 reps (sub: Superman +3 seconds)

* Cool-down, Roller/Yoga/Stretch + 1 Liter Water

Post Time to Comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Level One - WOD Thirty-three

Good Morning, Athletes!

This week, these posts will be short and sweet. Not too much additional information to take away from your work.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 3 x 10

- AMRAP, 10 minutes
> Pull-ups, 3 reps (sub - 1/2 BW pull-down, 6 reps)
> Sprint, 50 meters
> Dumbbell Shoulder Presses, 3 Reps, 20/15#
> Handstand Hold, 20 seconds

* Cool-down, Roller/Yoga/Stretch + 1 Liter Water

Post Rounds, Subs, and Loads to Comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Saturday, May 8, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-two

Good Morning, Athletes!

Have you been working any of your skills lately? Remember that taking time to practice your skills after a WOD will make it easier to perform the WOD’s later. It also reinforces good habits, gives you a chance to break bad habits, and practice time skills (like handstand holds, walks, levers, et cetra) outside of a WOD.

Furthermore, you absolutely need to practice for technique and consistency – that way when you hit the intensity button your form does not break down immediately negating all the positive results you could have achieved from the work performed.

At CFC we use the model of Warm-up, Strength or Skill, WOD, Durability (longer skill set), Cool-down. If you get right to work and don’t take long breaks, most of the time, this takes our athletes approximately one-hour to complete. Next week, I will start implementing a similar method that you are absolutely expected to follow. You can cheat and quit early or not complete your workout as assigned and nobody will care – but you will always know. Remember that you are doing this for yourself and your family – why would you cheat them?

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o AMRAP – 20 Minutes
> Deadlift: 60/45#, 5 Reps
> 13 Push-ups
> 9 Box Jump, 14 – 20” box
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Thursday, May 6, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty-one

Good Morning, Athletes!

Have you assessed your nutrition lately? Sit down with your journal and take a hard look at it. Are there placed you can improve? May I suggest ensuring that you are extremely light on the tubers and starches? This includes cutting out most of the potatoes and carrots as well as the breads and pastas. I know, I know. Those are the best tasting, easiest to make, and cheapest. They just don’t do you any favors nutritionally and will thwart your best efforts in the long run. Pick one cheat meal for the week and have them at that meal only (for me that is Friday dinner), but be mindful of how much you are eating. An entire plate of chicken alfredo over linguine basically trashes your nutrition journal and clean-eating for that week.

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD: “Filthy Fifty” Scaled.
o Perform all exercises in order. Complete the prescribed movement and reps before moving on. THIS IS FOR TIME SO KEEP PUSHING!
> 20 Box Jumps : 14 – 20 inches
> 20 Jumping Pull-up, or 20 one-third Bodyweight Pull-downs
> 20 Dumbbell Swings: 25#
> 20 Walking Lunges
> 20 Sit-ups
> 20 Push Pres: 25 or 30# dumbbells
> 20 Back Extensions or Super-mans
> 20 Wall Ball: 10# Med Ball
> 20 Burpees
> 20 Single Under Jump Rope
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Level One - WOD Thirty

Good Morning, Athletes!

Start working on adjusting your schedules so that you can increase the number of times that you will be able to perform your WOD. The CF community is well known for finding success in a 3 on, 1 off schedule. You may not be able to flex for that rotating off day. Instead, good success has also been found in 5 on, 2 off. It becomes extremely difficult to push through that fifth straight WOD which is why I don’t recommend it (perhaps a 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off is possible?). If you are up for the mental challenge then get at it. Let me know so that the programming can be done and ready for you. Currently, I have your programming prepared approximately 2 weeks in advance.

Today you get the chance to meet one of our “girls.” She is a benchmark workout that will come to the party every so often so that you can retest yourself and see how you are progressing. The girls were designed by CrossFit Founders Coach and Lauren Glassman as a way to assess the functional power and progress of the athletes they were training.

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD: “Erin”
o 5 Rounds for Time
> 25 – 30 # Dumbbell Split Clean, 15 reps
> 21 Pull-ups – if you don’t have the ability to do assisted pull-ups then do 30 ½ bodyweight pull-downs
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Monday, May 3, 2010

Level One - WOD Twenty-Nine

Good Morning, Athletes!

By the end of this week you will have completed your CrossFit training four times a week for eight weeks. That is a solid effort! In this time you will have seen in yourself an increase in energy, an increase in general well-being, and the start of a physical transformation that signals to everyone else that YOU have been doing something extra-ordinary. It is my hope, as your coach, that you are pleased with your progress and will continue on this path to happiness, fitness, and pulchritude (Hi, Erika!).

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o 5 Rounds for Time
> 50 # Back Squat, 15 reps – Put the weight in a backpack or hold DB’s in a hammer-curl position at your shoulders.
> Handstand walk, 15 yards – If you don’t have a handstand walk you can sub in the following: Handstand walk down the wall (side-shuttle style) or with a partner supporting; Wheelbarrow carries (person doing the WOD is down); or Bear Crawl.
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Take a look at the following video. This movement is in tomorrow's WOD. Take some light dumbbells and work on learning the skill today in a slow and controlled manner. Remember, when working skills we are looking for perfect form. It is about technique first. When you get that do a few in a row for consistency. You'll get to boost the intensity tomorrow. Dumbbell Split-Clean

Have fun. DO WORK!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Level One - WOD Twenty - Eight

Good Morning, Athletes!

Of all the workouts this week – today is by far the shortest. I won’t say easiest because if you keep the intensity up then no day is easy. Never should you get done with a CrossFit WOD and say “That was easy.” If you do, then you need to up the weight, drop the time, and do it again.

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD: 7 by 7
o AMRAP – 7 mins
> 7 reps, Flutter Kick - 4 count
> 7 reps, Row - +10# warm-up weight
> 7 reps, ½ body-weight pulldowns
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga

Post thoughts and rounds/partials to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Level One - WOD Twenty - Seven

Good Morning, Athletes!

How was your visit with my friend? Did he treat you well? Or did you tell him where to stick it?

Whether you want to believe it or not, every single workout that you do – be it grueling and intense or easy and balanced – makes Mr. Time have to wait just a tad longer for you to come to the party. If for no other reason – working out certainly makes sense to me!

No fancy names for today’s workout. It’s just a solid mental day. At some point you will have to dig in and push.

We also introduce you to the concept of the FOUL. This will come up periodically. Usually they are used extensively in endurance training so that the athlete can learn to judge and maintain intensity to keep them from crashing before the finish line. You will do the same. If a workout signifies a foul then you are to complete it if you do foul. You are to complete as many foul’s as you had. So if you fouled five times in the workout, you will complete the foul work five times. Questions?

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o 30 Rounds for Time
> Med Ball Thruster Toss (6 pace distance)
> Walking Lunge, 6 steps
> Sprint to retrieve the ball (if needed) and bring back to start line

Ball must reach the 6 step distance line or FOUL

FOUL: 1 min max rep BURPEES

• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga

Before you get started, designate a start line and take six giant steps (3 left, 3 right), mark this end line.

Post thoughts, time, and fouls to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Level One - Day Twenty - Six WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

I’d like to introduce you to my friend. He’s a nice guy, really. Perhaps a little dark. Sometimes sinister. Usually with a cackle in his laugh. Yet, he is tireless. And will play his game long past when you wish he would quit. It is up to you to laugh back at him. To visit that dark place. Get up. Go again. You can’t cheat him. And he really hates it when you make him wait. So get up. Go again. Do it one more time. Tell him where he can shove those sands of time. F*ck off, Death. I ain’t done yet.

Today’s WOD: “Death By…Squats, Push-ups, Sit-ups.”
• Warm – up, 3 x 10. Drop the squat, sit, and push to 3 x 3 today only.
• WOD:
o With a continuously running clock, on the minute – perform one rep of each exercise the first minute, two reps in the second minute, three reps in the third, and so on. After you fail to perform the required reps of an exercise in that round – drop that exercise and do the remaining exercise(s) until you fail to complete a round completely. Your rest time is however much time is left in that minute after you completed all three exercises for the number of reps required in that round.
> Squat
> Sit-up
> Push-up
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga

Do not change exercise until you have finished the required reps. I expect that somewhere around round ten it will become difficult to get in all of an exercise at once. Do them with rest as needed. Do all of your required squats in that minute before moving to the sit-up before moving to the push-up. If your sit-ups take up a lot of time and you fail to complete all of your push-ups then you failed at the push-up. Drop the push-up at that point and move to the next round to do the squats and sits. Eventually you’ll fail the sits too. Drop those and keep going until you can no longer get in the number of squats you need to for a successful round.

Post the number of rounds/partial rounds for each exercise.

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Monday, April 26, 2010

Level One - Day Twenty-Five WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

How did your travel workouts go? Did you successfully complete them? Were there any issues that prevented you from doing them? Let us know how they went!

This week is a good chance to increase the intensity with which you perform these workouts. Remember, that just performing the work is a great start, but it is the intensity that you perform the work with that will continue to drive positive results.

We have many new challenges this week along with some old movements that caused us chagrin a few weeks ago. Let’s get to it!

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 3 x 10.
• WOD:
o AMRAP – 9 minutes
> Single Under’s (Jump Rope), 36 reps
> Suicide Run, 9 yards/18 yards
> Dumbbell Shoulder or Push Press, 9 reps @ 15 pounds
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga

Set up your suicide run and do this work outside if the weather permits. You should do it outside no matter what the weather is, however if you choose to do this inside due to weather then set the treadmill at 5.2 mph and 10% grade – go for 5 secs, jump off onto the rails, jump right back on and go for 10 secs.

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Level One - Day's Twenty-Three and Twenty-Four WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!


These next two WOD’s come as a special request.

Many times, our lives find a way to get in between our health and fitness. This is not always a bad thing. It teaches us adaptability. We learn how to take what we are given and make it work for our purposes. As we said in the Marines, “Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome.”

WOD’s Twenty-three and Twenty-four are travel work-outs in which absolutely no equipment is needed. A couple weeks ago, two of our athletes found themselves in a hotel room with no ability to do the entire WOD as prescribed so they made some changes and found out how awesome a simple 2-flight set of stairs can be in kicking one’s ass.

Whenever you find yourself somewhere other than home, get into the habit of looking at what is around you and thinking in terms of “How can I use that in a workout?” Benches in the park become box jumps, one-legged step-ups, elevated push-ups, and dip stands. Ottomans in Grandmom’s tea room become dip stands, agility ladders, and prowler sleds. Curbs, stairs, books, doors, and more become tools for training. Even cars. Find a parking lot, pick a time or distance, put it in neutral, and PUSH!

Here are two workouts to put in your back pocket for any trip. You will be doing both this week – however when you do them is up to you, obviously dependent on when you can find the 15 minutes to get it in. Remember – they take no equipment whatsoever and can be done anywhere so if you get to bed and realize that you had not completed the workout then…you got it. Get it done!

Travel WOD’s (to be done in any order you choose):

• 1 Round for time
o 21 push-ups, 42 squats
o 15 push-ups, 30 squats
o 9 push-ups, 18 squats

• AMRAP – 12 Minutes
o 10 Bench Dips
o 10 Box Jumps
o 10 Lunges (each leg) – change direction each round, lunge forward first, then backward.

Super simple. Enjoy.

Post thoughts, time, and reps to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Level One - Day Twenty-Two WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

How was your trip down memory lane? Did you perform as expected or better than expected? Assuming that there was no out-lying factors (current illness, injury, death, etc.) we should always expect to see some positive result. Many times, our athletes see positive results in lower times or more reps. Other times they see results in increased intensity as evidenced by higher weights and less scaling.

And with that we move on to the next challenge.

A new movement! Athletes meet the Man-Maker. You know his brother intimately, especially after yesterday. Grab a set of light dumbbells and get ready to learn this movement.

The Man-Maker is very similar to the Burpee. The biggest difference is right there in your hands – extra weight. The next difference is that there is no jump which makes this very similar to the military’s old PT stand-by, the Bodybuilder. Perform this movement very slowly for the first few times. You will speed it up during the workout, though we don’t expect you to do it very quickly ever. If you can start to do these as fast as a Burpee then you’ll need to increase the weight.

From the neutral standing position with your arms holding the dumbbells loosely at the sides, squat down until the DB’s touch the floor. Kick back to a push-up position with your feet in the wide stance. Perform one push-up. Then one-arm row your right arm. Put the weight back down and do the same with your left. When completed, bring your legs in to the squat position. As you stand, hammer curl (keep your wrists in the same position all the way up, similar to holding a hammer) the weight to your shoulders. Once you are standing with the weight at your shoulders perform an overhead press. Bring the weight back down to your shoulders and reverse the hammer curl until your arms are loose at your side again. That’s one.

This can be performed with dumbbells, med-balls with handles, kettlebells, little children… You get the idea. You’ll be starting light at first though are expected to increase the weight as needed.

Today’s WOD:

• Warm-up, 2 x 15

• WOD:
o 3 rounds for time
> Wallball – 10# ball, 10 reps
> Sprint 60 seconds (200 yards) [1% at 8 mph]
> Man-maker – 15#/10# DB, 10 reps
> Sprint 30 seconds (100 yards) [1% at 8 mph]
> Rest 1 min

• Cool-down; Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Monday, April 19, 2010

Level One - Day Twenty-One WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

Welcome to Week Six! Do you realize that by performing work four days a week for the past five weeks that you have successfully completed twenty workouts unrivaled by anything you have ever done before? Congratulations!

So – how are you feeling? Are you hooked yet?

Last week you were given the option of getting on the scale after a full month of more nutritious eating and CrossFitting. What did you decide? If you got onto the scale and took your measurements, let us know! Email your results to me and I will post them in a web-friendly format based upon your previous results. If you are changing your diet next month to become more Zone friendly – we will need to get on the scale at that time; there is no getting out of that weight/measurement session.

Today, we go back in time. Every so often (not very often) CrossFitters re-visit previous workouts to gage their performance gains. If you look at the main-site WOD’s you will find that this occurs about once a month and the workout you are looking back at may have occurred up to 18 months earlier. To me, one of the coolest things about CF is evidenced by just that – it took 18 months before a workout was repeated, once. And at that, it was by design and did not have to occur at all if Coach didn’t want it to. That is only one of the things that make us so unique. Follow any other style of workout and you’ll get a week’s worth (maybe 4 or 5 days) of workouts then are told to repeat them for four to six weeks if not more. Boring in my book. That must be what sells all those magazines. Boredom crying out for something different.

Enough pontificating. It’s time to get to work.

Do you remember WOD #2? We’ve brought it back for you. Grab a treadmill and a spot of floor – we’re doing Running Burpees!

Today’s WOD:
• Warm – up, 2 x 10.
• WOD:
- 5 Rounds for time
> Run 30 Seconds
> 10 Burpees
• Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga

Post thoughts and time to comments.


Have fun. DO WORK!



Saturday, April 17, 2010

Level One - Day Twenty WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

Since you survived Super Nineteen... Come get some! You're scheduled to do some serious rowing today. Ready?

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 2 x 10.

* WOD:
- Row with cable row machine (70# men/50# women)
> 60:30 x 2
> 30:15 x 3
> 20:10 x 4
> 10:5 x 5

* Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter water.

By the way, that is 60 seconds on, 30 seconds off; 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off; et cetera. Questions?

If you have access to a rowing machine - set it to level 5 (guys) and level 4 (ladies) and do the same workout. Post your total distance to comments.

Post thoughts to comments.

That's it! Go out and do something special tonight.

Have fun. DO WORK!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Coach PR's @ TTT 5K

MK kills it with a 20' 12" besting last year by 1' 50". All on nothing but standard CF training since the fifty in early Feb.

Met a great running crew from the area - Sue, Cindy, Rick, Blair, and a bunch of other awesome runners whose names I just can't remember. Sorry! Looking forward to doing some training together!

Thanks to all the athletes and coaches for your support!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Level One - Day Nineteen WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

Do you feel like you climbed a mountain after yesterday's 70 four-count mountain climbers? Working them hard yesterday has helped you "grease the groove" for today. Get a good warm-up with lots of good deep squats and keep those hip flexors loose. You pumped out a solid time trial earlier this week. Today you get to push the interval button. Plus a new movement! What fun!

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 2 x 10.

* WOD:
- 3 rounds for time
> 30:15 x 4, 7% @ 4.8 mph. [30 seconds on, 15 seconds off for four rounds then...]
> Sub-round x 3
. Weighted Sit-up, 7 reps [with 10# ball or 10# dumbbell held at arms length]
. Inchworm, body length [from the planche position - scoot your elbows forward until your back starts to "collapse" and you start to fall to the ground, quickly scoot your toes forward until you are in a solid planche again. Do this for the length of your body. TIP: figure out your start and stop points before starting the workout]

* Cool-down, Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter Water

Before I get a million requests for explanation...
You will do four sets of the run interval then you'll do the sub-round 3 times (sit, inch, sit, inch, sit, inch). That is 1 total round. You'll do that three total times. This is with a continuously running clock so go for broke! You can rest all you want as you're laying in a pool of sweat! Ahh, the cooling factor...

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Super Awesome. Have fun. DO WORK!



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Level One - Day Eighteen WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

How did your time trial go? Are you pleased with the result? If not then think of what you would have liked it to be and add the words "In six months, on (date), I will reach a distance ten minutes." We will try it again then.

In the meantime...we've cooked up a great new WOD for you to try today!

* Warm - up, 2 x 10

* WOD:
- 7 rounds for time
> 10 mountain climbers (4 count)
> 20 single unders (single jump with jump rope)

* Cool-down, Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter Water

A few notes:
- Really do your best to get rolled and stretched out. This is crucial for your recovery.
- This week starts your mandatory Yoga. This is 10 - 15 minutes of relaxed poses and breathing practice. This can be done after the workout or any other time of day. Might I suggest after supper or right before bed? There are countless free Yoga videos on YouTube and iTunes.
- Please ensure that you are posting your times/rounds/reps/etc to each WOD after you do it. It would be truly beneficial if you would also post some thoughts about how you felt before/during/after the workout.

That's it. Kick it hard.

Post thoughts and time to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Monday, April 12, 2010

Level One - Day Seventeen WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

A new week beckons. It has now been one month of CrossFit for you! Care to give us your thoughts so far?

I am very proud of each and every one of you. Congratulations on committing to this lifestyle change that will only benefit you.

You have this entire week to decide if you want to do the deed and finally get on the scale again. After Sunday - this is no longer an option. If you do, be sure to get your results to me. I'm sure that you will see positive results!

Today we're going fast and hard. It's the start of Met-Con weeks! Enjoy.

Today's WOD:

* Warm-up, 2 x 10
* WOD:
- Time Trial, Max Distance in 10 minutes
* Cool-down, Roller/Stretch/Yoga + 1 liter water.

Run fast. Run far. Don't give in. It's only 10 minutes. Push. PUSH. PUSH!!!

Post distance to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



Saturday, April 10, 2010

Level One - Day Sixteen WOD


A special WOD just for you...

* Warm-up, 2 x 10
- Max distance standing broad jump.
- Accomplish this by doing some jump rope followed by 10 squats, 5 short jumps, 5 short jumps, 3 medium jumps, then 5 attempts for maximum distance. Take 1 to 3 minutes rest between rounds and attempts for max.
* Cool-down - roller, stretch, yoga + 1 liter water.

Post distance to comments.

Have fun. DO WORK!



P.S. Have an awesome birthday. SMILE. You deserve it.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Rest Day

Good Morning, Athletes!

The blog is officially up, running, and fully updated with all previous workouts. Please take the time this coming week to get your WOD results into the comments section of each workout that you have completed.

Today is a rest day. With your busy weekend (Happy Early Birthday, Shawna!) there are no homework assignments for today.

This post is a test to ensure that the auto-email feature does indeed work as intended. If something is not right let me know.

That's it. Enjoy your day off! Back to it tomorrow with a birthday WOD!

Have fun. REST HARD!



Thursday, April 8, 2010

Level One - Day Fifteen WOD

Good Morning, Athletes!

I've been working on getting the blog updated with all the workouts you have done so far. To this point, I've only been able to get six up but anticipate having it completed by the end of the weekend. That means that starting next week you will be receiving your workouts there. Once it is all up and running, I want you to go back through your log and post your times/reps/distances to the workout "comments" sections. Check out the CrossFit main site ( to see what I'm talking about.

You are rapidly completing your first month of CrossFit training and healthy eating. Great job! As we finish out this week I need you to review your goals (the ones that you should have written down when you started) to refresh your memory. If they were not written, now you have a good idea of what you are capable of and can shoot for, as well as what you would like to happen - hence "goals." Let's get them down and submitted. There are no excuses as to why it hasn't occurred yet.

Did you know that yesterday was World Health Day? I did my part. You did too. Way to go!

Today's workout includes an old, but fun kids play. Enjoy!

  • Warm-up, 2 x 10.
  • WOD:
    • Crab Walk, Max Distance/Time - keep moving until your butt hits the dirt. Any direction, any speed. Change as often as you need. Just don't touch down.
    • Tabata Run, 5% grade - no less than 5.2 mph. This is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 8 rounds.
    • Tabata Warm-up. Push - Sit - Dips - Squat. Start with the push-ups. When you fail (can't do anymore) change to sit-ups, etc. However, you may be strong enough that you won't fail so do two rounds of Push-ups, change to 2 rounds of Sit-ups, etc. Do not do more than 2 rounds of any exercise. Record your weakest interval (least reps of each exercise).
      - Note: Bonnie did this for her first CrossFit workout. Did well! Only got 3 dips though...
  • Cool-down. Roller/Stretching/Yoga + 1 liter water.


Post thoughts, time, and score to comments.

Have an awesome day. Friday's coming!

Have fun. DO WORK!

